Chapter 17

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Waking up in your shared bed


He wakes up to you shaking him, you're both going to miss breakfast if he doesn't get up.

"Y/N! I didn't have any nightmares!"

He's shocked at this realization. He sits up on the bed in shock and amazement. He looks at you and hugs you immediately, his way of thanking you as he contributed the lack of nightmares do to you being by his side. He's in such a good mood he literally jumps out of bed and quickly gets dressed.

"You're the best, you know that?" He says as you two exit the dorm.

He tells Ron and June about it.


He wakes up at the exact time you do and you both simultaneously stretch and face each other. You both start laughing.

"Well good morning to you too." He says with a grin.

"I was right. It was nice, wasn't it?"

He doesn't really want to get up but his stomach growls.

"Ugh I wish they could just bring the food up here."

You need to pull him out of bed by his arm.

"Alright let's go,"

He's mumbling and pouting but immediately fine when he starts eating. (Me)


He wakes up just moments before you. He remembers last night and gets embarrassed. He's about to start panicking but you wake up and look at him softly and whisper

"Good morning."

He looks down at you. You don't seem to think he's pathetic or anything so he relaxes. He bends down to kiss your forehead.

"Morning darling." He says in a gruff voice.

He watches you with a smirk as you get out of bed. He's extremely proud to have you. In fact he struts out to the hall with you, dropping an arm over your shoulder and bragging to everyone how you two "slept together" last night.

"Weren't you like crying?" Crabbe asked.

"Shut the fuck up Crabbe."

And now he's moody again.


He wakes up rather early and lazily kisses your ear before sliping out of bed without waking you. He looks at you for a moment and smiles at how peaceful you look. He quietly gets dressed and heads down to the hall early to grab some food. He brings it back to his dorm and tries to set it up nicely next to you on the bed. Gently wakes up with a forehead kiss and kind whispers.

"Y/N..... wake up baby, got you some food."

You slowly open your eyes and smell the food.

"Cedric! You didn't have to bring it up here!"

"I didn't want to disturb you. You looked so cute."

He sits on the bed with you and you both eat together.


He wakes up first. He's terrified to move because he's scared he'll wake you if he does. He decides to just lay there and stare at the ceiling and try not to overthink his breathing as your head is on his chest. He looks around the room to see if anyone will say anything. He ends up sneezing really loud and waking you up.

"Oh I'm so sorry!!"

You tell him it's ok and stretch.

"Should..... we go down to breakfast then?"

You nod and you both get out of bed and Neville said he'll meet you in the common room because he wants to shower first. He smiles to himself in the shower, thinking about how nice it was to fall asleep with you on him.


George does not want to get up. He's awake before you, but refuses to get up. After a while of just admiring you he kisses your nose to wake you up.


He has a deep morning voice. You giggle at him and he immediately grabs you and places you on top of him. He will not let go.

"Let's stay in bed, hm? This is nice."

When you try to argue he says "Sorry, I'm not taking feedback at this time."

He just wants to cuddle all morning. He showers your face in kisses every time you try to tell him to get up and let you up. He sighs when you get serious and finally listens but he groans dramatically when he lets you go. He stays in bed a little longer to watch you get dressed with a smirk until you cast him a glare.

"Alright alright I'm getting up!"


No matter what you do this man won't wake up. You resort to jumping on top of him.


He looks at you then bursts out laughing. He holds your waist as you sit on top of him. He looks up at you grinning.

"I could get used to waking up like this. Oh yeah."

He'll sit up and pretend to go in for a kiss but then throw you on the bed and sit on top of you.

"Fred I can barely breathe."

He hovers over you but doesn't fully get up and brings his face down to yours.

"Let's skip breakfast, eh?"

You playfully slap his chest and tell him no.

"How can you resist this?"

You basically have to wrestle him out of bed and he's surprisingly strong but won't go too hard on you. He'll end up letting you win.

"Alright let's go macho woman."

You look at him sternly



He wakes up, screams and falls off the bed. He was startled because he forgot you had stayed the night.

You looked down at him.


He gets up and stretches.

"Oh my, I don't even feel a little bit sore, you have magic hands Y/N." He says.

He kisses the top of your head as a thank you then gets dressed.

"I suggest you do the same, we need to get ready for-"

"Quidditch, yes." You finished.

He looks at you and breaks into a smile.


He didn't sleep for the rest of the night. He's frustrated so he goes to your/the common room and finds you already asleep on the couch. He quietly steps over to you and observes you, he can see wet tear stains on your cheek. He smirks to himself, this man is OBSESSED with you being upset or crying. He gets on his knees so he's eye level with you.

He whispers "Wake up, beautiful." and touches your cheek gently.

You wake up with a jump, not expecting Tom to be right there

"You're gorgeous, you know that? A pretty little thing," he whispers, ignoring your jolt.

And here comes that sweet manipulative side of him that always knows exactly what to say.

"Come darling."

He ushers you back to his dorm and has you lay down, you look at him confused. He doesn't get in bed with you, instead he sits in a small armchair in the corner of the room and just watches you as you're so quick to fall asleep again. He just observes you and tries to think of how to handle you. He literally doesn't sleep, so when you wake up at a normal time he's already dressed and ready to go down to breakfast.

"Wear my jumper. We don't have time for you to go change, hurry."

He's already annoyed since he's ready and just wants to go, but smirks when you wear his jumper. He thinks he knows what to do with you now.

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