Chapter 7

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Your first date


Harry meets you under the invisibility cloak outside of your dorm. The two of you walk out of the castle and take a stroll under the moon light without the cloak on. You start off with awkward small talk but he gradually opens up more and tells you things he doesn't even tell Ron or Hermione. He shares secrets of his that not even June knows about. Like how he's not confident in himself and actually terrified of things that might happen.

"You probably don't want to hear about this on a first date, sorry, I'm an idiot."

He tries to start a more lighthearted conversation. You guys talk for hours and start to hear weird noises from the forbidden forest so you both decide it's time to head back inside. He drops you off outside your common/dorm room

"Well, I had a really good time."

He's nervous and about to kiss you goodnight but chickens out of it. He says goodnight and runs away while his heart is racing.


He brings you to Hosmeade over the weekend. At first he clings to Harry, Hermione, and June and the five of you go to 'The three broomsticks' together. Hermione fake coughs and looks at the twins and the three of them leave you both alone. Ron is very awkward and completely red in the face. He just keeps sipping butterbeer and not looking at you.

Once he finishes his he says "I'll get us some more."

When he comes back he realizes he should probably try talking. He just starts talking about his family, everyone but himself.

"Do you have a big family?"

He gets really interested in your life and background and just silently listens. Now he's more confident and once you finish your second round of drinks he brings you out to explore Hogsmaede further and go get some sweets. He gradually opens up more and when it's time to go back he wants to keep talking to you. Get ready for him to always wanna talk.


He gets to the astronomy tower and just anxiously waits for you. In disbelief when you walk up the stairs.

"O-oh...... you came....."

He coughs and straightens up.

"Well, yes, erm, of course you came."

He doesn't know what to do, in all his nervousness he completely forgot to plan. He's mad at himself for already ruining this and leans over the edge to look out at everything like he always does. You do the same and you both silently appreciate the view. After a while he randomly speaks up very lowly and quietly.

"I like to come here a lot. It helps me clear my mind. Get away from everything, all the people and........ myself."

He's extremely embarrassed about being vulnerable. When you show the slightest bit of empathy or pity he gets defensive again.

"Hey, I don't need that! I'm not some pathetic little crybaby like you!"

He's instantly angry at himself again for ruining things but can't find it in him to apologize for anything.

"Go ahead and just leave."

He sighs, puts his head down and starts crying to himself so you can't see.


He meets you by the lake mid Saturday. He has a beautiful picnic set up. He's super  smiley.

"Sit sit!"

You both sit down and he encourages you to eat, he's too busy admiring you and just starts asking you questions about yourself. He shares cute and funny stories from his childhood.

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