Chapter 37

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You beat the girl's ass


Hermione convinces you to sit next to her in the Great Hall like you used to. You reluctantly agree and just hope Ginny doesn't sit anywhere near Harry, it would only hurt more. But instead she sits directly across from you.

"Hey Hermione, did you know Harry is such a good kisser?" She taunts.

"Alright, I tried to be civil!" You said, getting up and grabbing your wand.

"You really wanna play like this, Weasley?!"

She stands up and says "Bring it."

You both cast a spell at each other.

"Fuck this!"

You put your wand away and lunge across the table. Everyone stands up and crowds around you, chanting. Ginny was shit talking so much she didn't even realize she let it slip that she had used a love potion on Harry. Now you were ever angrier. You started punching her harder.

Harry comes running over to the commotion wandering what's going on. He doesn't know what to do, but when Ginny tries to get in a hit the only thought in his head is protecting you. He casts a shield between you two and pulls you away.

"Y/N, there are professors everywhere, and you're bleeding-"


You come down to the common room (if you're not Gryffindor you were staying the night with a friend) ready for another miserable day. Just as you're about to leave you hear Lavender and her friends coming downstairs.

"Yeah, Ron is such an amazing kisser. I definitely need to give him more love potion-"

You freeze and turn around to face her.

"Oh, hello, Lavender." You said in an overly joyful tone.

Ron comes downstairs just in time to see you tackle Lavender to the ground.

His eyes widen in shock, as he watches you punch her repeatedly. He honestly feels honored.

"YOU'RE INSANE! GET OFF ME!" Lavender screamed.

Connie and Hermione struggle to pull you off of her.

"Bloody hell. That was......amazing...." Ron said staring at you in awe.

He's just too astonished to move.


You were walking behind a group of Slytherins. You didn't even realize Pansy was one of them.

"Do you have any idea how good of a kisser Draco is? I need to give him more love potion before he explains everything to Y/N-"

You froze. You couldn't believe what you just heard.

You tap her on the shoulder and she immediately becomes pale when she turns around.

"I agree. He is a really good kisser." You say with a fake smile.

Before she even has to react you punch her square in the face. (Hermione moment.)

She stumbles back, hovering her hand under her nose. She goes for her wand as her friends slowly move out of the way.

You quickly grab yours and throw a hex at her. Draco came running towards the commotion.


"Don't worry, Dray. This bitch admitted to drugging you."

He sighed in relief.

You continued to punch Pansy and he proudly watched with a smug smirk. But when he saw a professor coming he quickly grabbed you and pulled you into a bathroom. He thought that fight was so hot.

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