Chapter 27

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Celebrating Christmas with you


The day includes playing Quidditch with everyone while it snows. Then sitting infront of the fire with hit chocolate to warm up, wearing your own Weasley sweater.

You all sit down and share Quidditch stories while Harry rubs your back. Harry loves being surrounded by people he loves on this day. He won't leave the living room because he wants to stay with everyone, but he'll sit next to you on the couch.

When others come with Lupin and Tonks he'll animated talk to them about school and update them on you while resting his hand on your leg. June occasionally comes over to check on you two and you talk to her.

He stays up all night, until he falls asleep on you. You have to wake him gently and help him to bed. He pulls you in for a hug before you go to your separate rooms.

"Thank you for being here with me." He whispers.


You and Ron walk downstairs open the other presents but he's more excited for the breakfast feast. (of course)

After he takes a quick nap with you until you get rudely awoken by Ginny, saying they need you both for a Quidditch match outside and you both go join. You two choose opposite teams and the game gets pretty competitive.

Your team wins and you playfully push Ron off his broom and he falls in the snow, he doesn't care. He just starts making snow angels.

He shoves snow down your shirt when you come to join him and you through some at him as payback.

You both go inside to change and get warm.

You all a mug of hot chocolate and impatiently wait for dinner. Ron (of course) eats too much and needs to lay down so you both go to his room and fall asleep early.


After opening up all the presents from Draco you both head downstairs. Narcissa, Lucius and Rio were waiting at the table with breakfast already prepared. Y'all eat silently. Lucius slides Draco a small gift with nothing but galleons inside and gives Rio a big box with all sorts of expensive things inside. Draco thanks his father and excuses the both of you back to his room.

He's a little bummed.

"Don't worry, Dray. I'll make this a good holiday for you."

"How?" He asked.

You make him get dressed to go outside and he takes you to the garden. The flowers had been charmed to last in harsh weather. Halfway through your walk you threw a snowball at him.

"What was that for?"

He's so upset and offended.

"Draco, relax. It's just fun! It's a snowball fight!"

He tries to make a snowball but it just falls apart. He uses magic to make snowballs and have them chase you around the garden out of frustration. He laughs while you shout. After a little while he calls them off. You throw snowballs at his head as revenge.

You both attack each other (in a fun way) and you end up tackling him to the ground. Now freezing you both head back inside and drink hot chocolate by the fire. You tell him the plot of all your favorite Christmas movies and promise to watch them with him eventually. You two play board games until dinner, another silent but amazing meal. Later you sneak back into the kitchen and decorate cookies together and take them to his room. You eat while cuddling and you both eventually fall asleep.


After opening presents you help with making breakfast, which gets messy and you sing Christmas songs while doing it. After eating it's time for a movie marathon with cuddles while his dog sits in your lap, because once again you can't convince me he doesn't have a dog. You make hot chocolate together halfway through. After a while it's time for dinner and dessert. You eat quickly to go to a festival light show in the muggle village nearby. You end the night cuddling and telling each other your favorite holiday memories until you both fall asleep.

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