Chapter 14

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Becoming official


He's very awkward about it. He just wants to put his arm around you all the time and do normal teenage stuff for once. He approaches you at the most random time.

"Hey, erm, I was wondering.... what are we?"

You look at him confused.

"I mean- I would like to be, ya' know, with you. Like officially with you. Yeah."

He's very nervous and shyly looking up at you through the top of his glasses. He wildly grins when you say you also want that.

"Oh yeah? Brilliant."

You smile at his excitement.

"It's official... brilliant... wow."

He brushes it off and acts all cool but he's very ecstatic.


He assumes you're official but he's honestly confused when Connie asked why you two weren't dating yet.

"Wait.... I'm supposed to ask?? Blimey."

"Yeah, you were supposed to ask." Hermione said.

You come down and sit across from him seconds later.

"Oi, Y/N, do you consider us officially dating? I did but Hermione says I have to ask-"

"Well I thought you'd ask..." You said.

"Oh. Well.... in that case, do you wanna? I mean- go out with me, be official or however it's supposed to be."

He will not touch his food until he hears confirmation from you. He just nods happily when you say yes and finally starts eating again.


He can't stand you not being his. He just wants it to be known to everyone that you're together. He has to build up the confidence to ask you. He gets hyped up in front of the mirror practicing a deep superior voice and goes out to find you. The second he sees you in the Great hall he grabs you and pulls you to the side a bit roughly.

"Y/N," He says.

His confidence starts to slip so he clears his throat.

"I want you to be mine."

You raise an eyebrow.

"Come on, no one else is worth your time. I gave you the best night at the Yule ball. I'd shower you in gifts and- and I would be the best goddamn boyfriend-"

"Yes Draco. Yes."

"...Wait..... really?"

He instantly smirks when you nod and gets all full and proud of himself.

"Alright then. I'll see you later.... darling."

A quick peck on the lips and then he hops over to the Slytherin table/ his friends still smirking.


You two already act like an official couple but he wants to make sure you know he's serious. He wants to ask you in a romantic way. After classes he asks you to meet him outside. He has flowers and little chocolates in his hands waiting for you.

"Y/N..... will you be mine?" He asks smiling like an idiot.

When you nod he kisses you sweetly.


He doesn't want to assume anything and wants to double check what you want so he shyly asks you one random day while you two are hanging out. He suddenly gets worse when he addresses you.

"H-hey.... so I just wanted to let you know... I have a lot of fun with you.... and.... I would really like us to be official..... if you want of course! That's ok...."

He's beaming when you say you want the same.

"O-oh perfect!"

He's blushing and so happy. He'll never stop smiling in Snape's class.


He's utterly obsessed with you and needs to make it official. He wants you to know just how special you are to him. You both stay up late in the common room until it's just the two of you. Once the last person leaves he gets very serious.

"Y/N, I wanna ask you something..." he gets a little nervous but brushes it off.

He starts playing with your fingers and he stares at them for a minute the he looks up at you.

"You're my best friend. And I really like you. I have such a good time with you and I wanna.... I wanna kiss you whenever I want and hold you and....."

He softly laughs at himself.

"I guess I'm trying to ask if you wanna start dating dating.... you know..... be official..."

He casually shrugs and the second you accept he grins. He immediately dives forward to cup your cheek and kiss you deeply. He's so happy.


He assumes you guys are official and doesn't say anything about it or change the way he acts around you. He doesn't understand why you're a little upset one day and you won't tell him why. He finally gets you to tell him at the end of the day and you confess that you thought the two of you had something going on. He laughs at you.

"Of course we have something. Wait.... do you not consider me your boyfriend?"

"Well....I kinda hoped you'd become official."

He immediately starts teasing you "Aww you were so upset because you want me so badly!"

You pout at him.

"Don't worry, good ole Freddie is all yours."

Just to make sure you know he's serious he kisses you on the nose and plans on doing some sweet gesture tomorrow morning for extra measure.


He already considers you official. This was proven when you overheard him talking about you with his friends and sister.

"Yeah my girlfriend loves y/f/b. (your favorite band) They're not bad but I prefer-"

He cuts himself off when he sees you walking by.

"Oh there she is now! Y/N!" He calls, ushering you over.

"Oh so I'm your girlfriend now?"

"I thought so....." He stutters confused.

You chuckle and shake your head, which only confuses him more.

"Anyway," He just continues the conversation and drapes an arm over your shoulder.


He just slowly gets more possessive and controlling. He gets mad when you talk to any other male and frequently pulls you away from your friends to hang out with him.

At one point he says "You're mine, don't forget that."

He grabs your throat harshly.

"Say it."

His hand grips your throat and pulls you in for a harsh kiss when you repeat his words. That's pretty much how he lets you know it's official. He gets a little obsessive and doesn't let you leave his sight when possible.

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