Chapter 39

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Someone makes fun of your insecurity

Just know you are all beautiful and you should never think badly about yourself or let others make you feel any less than beautiful.


You and Harry had a free period so you were just walking around the school. Draco and Rio pass by, Draco muttering something about your insecurity. Harry knows how much it hurt you so he stopped.

"Oi! Malfoy! Why don't you shut your slimy rich daddy's boy mouth before I hex it closed!" He yelled at Draco, making Rio laugh at her brother.

Then he turned back to you.

"Don't listen to him, please. He has no idea what he's talking about. You're brilliant. Remember that, okay?"

He does that thing where he cups your hand in both of his, ya'know what I mean?

He looks at you intensly and you silently nod. He lets out a sigh dropping you hand but still holding it tightly as you both continue walking.

For the rest of the day he constantly reminds you that you are amazing and you shouldn't listen to anything Draco said. And he hints at your friends to do the same.

He takes you back to his dorm for cuddles to help you feel better.


You were sitting in the Great Hall eating dinner and Seamus unknowingly made an offensive comment about your insecurity. Ron immediately looks over at you to see your reaction and turns to Seamus the moment your smile falls.

"Fuck off mate."

He turns his attention back to you and whispers "Are you okay?" but he didn't believe your silent nod.

So after dinner he takes you up to his dorm for cuddles. He whispers reassurance with his arms rapped around you, holding you tightly. He gently rocks you back and forth while laying a gentle kiss on your fourhead.

"Y/N, I swear to you I would never lie about this, you are perfect. Please don't ever think any differently."

He practicly begged you to stay the night in his dorm so he can make sure you're really okay.


You're sitting in the Slytherin common room laughing with some friends. Blaise seems to think you're being too Loud because he makes a comment about your insecurity making sure he was loud enough for you to hear and you immediately go silent.

Draco had to walk in at that moment.

"Pardon, Blaise? What was that?" Draco snaps at Blaise.

"Nothin man."

He glares at Blaise but his eyes shifts to you and his gaze softens. He walks up to you and grabs your hand, taking you up to his dorm.

He pulls you down on the bed and wraps his arms around you.

"Don't listen to him, Darling. He has no idea what he's talking about." He coos, swaying you back and forth, laying a soft kiss on the top of your head.

He hates it when you're upset so of course he has to make a big deal about it.

He makes sure you're comfy before leaving to get snacks and whatever else you want.

He's also thinking of gift ideas the whole day. He just loves spoiling you.


A group of Cho's friends pass by while you're cuddling on the couch of the/his common room. One of them whispered something about your insecurity and they all laughed.

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