
Tete you're so funny. I gave her a hug and she hug me back and when I let go she smiled and held my cheek. You made the right decision, don't allow yourself to overthink into believing you didn't. I smile and walked to the living room. "any updates on uncle Jupiter" she yelled back "nah I haven't heard from him but I got to go in seeing Cristiano after my session with the recovery specialists." I smiled and yelled back " how do you like Graceland?" I heard heels walking towards me. "oh niece baby, she wonderful. I'm very grateful for you're program, I really." I smiled even wider and waved at her bye. "alright baby I'm gone, don't bring nobody here that I didn't meet. "I laugh and I heard the door close. I wrap myself around the decorative blanket and turn on the tv what to watch, what to watch. I settle on YouTube and watched my favorite crime documentary series talk show with Hailey Elizabeth. I was 10 mins in, when I received an text from Troy. I jumped up and looked at the long paragraph that was sent to me.

I'm be gone for a while, I understand if you don't want to speak to me but, I wanted to tell you that, I love you a lot and we still getting married. I'm just be gone for a while I'm in some shit. I came by to come see you earlier today, but I didn't see you're car and when I knocked on the door, nobody answered. Yo you should link up with me. Since it's going to be the last time we link for a while. Wya.

I texted him back and asked where he at. No respond was returned, I texted him the park Lo, and told him to meet me there. He liked my message, and I looked around for my Keys and shoes. I don't want to fuck, I just need to understand, why he did what he did. Out of respect for tete I didn't send him the addy to this place. I found my shoes finally and kept looking for my Keys until my phone rang. Now why is Javi calling me. I silence the call and kept looking for my keys. It's mid afternoon, I don't think he try some stupid shit would he?


I'm finally being released. My mother been driving me crazy, and I want to see Zaire. They said it's okay for me to do so. I convinced the man, somehow to tell me Zaire room number and after I grab the last of my changing clothes my mom brought. I headed to Zaire room with urgency. I was so close to his room until I got stop by this man. "excuses me ma'am I think you're walking into the wrong room." I took a deep breath and told this gentleman. "I'm sorry, I was informed this was the right room, I'm a good friend of Zaire." He looked take aback and walked away getting on his phone. I walked into the room where I know for certain Zaire at now. I couldn't believe my sight.

Zaire covered in bandages everywhere. There's only an opening for his eyes, mouth, and nose, an very small opening at that. Zaire looks so bad. I can't believe all this is happening to him. I should tell him who shot him. At the same time I can't risk us more into this situation. I'm see how everything plays out. For right now, we need to talk.

"Hey Zaire."

"Who the fuck let you in here alora?" "I can't believe this shit right now." "Where the fuck is the security in this place." I sat down and told him to shut up and stop over exaggerating. Zaire we got a lot to talk about and I don't have time for you're hissy fit. We still have to tell you're sister, that I'm pregnant, also for the rest of you're family too and we need to find out who shot you and do you need to be on a witness protection program. Have anybody talked to you yet. I made myself more comfortable as I spoke and when I looked at him he stared at me with the ugliest looked.

Come on Zaire work with me please, for the sake or the kids. His face turned into concern and then confusion. "The kids?" Yeah about that I smiled and looked down. We have a lot to speak about.


"I'm leaving out." I kissed Neil good-bye and headed to my house. I fed my dog and gave him some water. The days I'm not here, he be okay I have an lady come out and make sure he okay and she gone. I pay her 210 a week to do that, for everyday purposes. I know it might seem like it's useless money being wasted to others but it works out for me and I know my precious dog not about to die cause I'm a little too busy. I seen Zephaniah drop the addy to this place. If the plan goes through like we hoping, we all be straight. I'm kind of excited to see her. It been a min and although everything that happened between us, was taken out of proportion, we should be good now.

Here's to You, Zephaniah.Where stories live. Discover now