"There. You have your answer. 2 hours." You murmured to your uncle in utter shame, still watching Yoongi work on the screen.

"Clock's ticking, Y/N." Your uncle tapped the watch on his wrist.

After two uncomfortable, slow, and miserable hours went by, Yoongi came through the front door. "I'm home!" He called out to the "empty" house, waiting for your response.

Two private policemen surprise-attacked Yoongi and knocked him to his knees, cuffing his hands behind his back.

"Rgh! What the hell is going on?!" Yoongi gritted his teeth.

"Welcome home, Min Yoongi." Your uncle walked into Yoongi's view, revealing himself. "You clearly didn't get my message I sent you. Did you at least like my gift?"

"What gift?"

"The love letter I sent you for all the world to see."

Remembering the breaking news report he saw on his murdered parents, Yoongi turned red with rage and moved to charge at the man, but he was being held down. "BASTARD!! I knew you were Silver from the start! You had that same stench on you!"

"Don't try to act clever. You belong to me now. Would you like to see the mastermind of your capture?"

You came from the kitchen with your head hung low shamefully. Yoongi's enraged eyes flashed to you, softening once he saw you. "She has nothing to do with this."

"On the contrary.... She is the one who lured you to me."

"Yoongi, I'm so sorry!" You suddenly began to cry. "I had no choice! They were going to kill you if I didn't call you over!"

In his eyes, first was sadness, then betrayal, and lastly wrath. "You lying, two-faced, poison-hearted, manipulative, demonic hellspawn bitch! You played me! All this time, you pretended to love me and I fell for it! You work for HIM! You're foul-hearted, Y/N! Your soul is fake! I was right to not trust you when we met! And I let you win in the end because I was blind! You're still a fucking hellspawn! You're just as cruel as the rest of them!"

You broke down in silent tears. Your heart and soul were crushed and ground into powder by Yoongi. But he was wrong about you. Your love for him was real and you were not one of your uncle's pawns.

"Ooh, savage words to tell your girlfriend, Yoongi." Your uncle, also known as Silver, hooted.

"She is NOT my girlfriend!" Yoongi growled from deep in his throat. "I've had enough doses of her fake love!"

"Y/N," Said Silver. "Be a good girl and give his weapons to me."

The two men forced Yoongi onto his feet. You looked at your uncle, not wanting to do it. Silver saw your hesitation as weakness.

"Shock him." Silver commanded.

One of the guys immobilizing Yoongi took a taser and electrocuted Yoongi's neck. Yoongi spazzed and shouted, his muscles tightening to stiffen like stone and his nerves stunning.

"STOP!" You begged desperately.

The tasing ceased and Yoongi lost all strength to keep himself up, so the private police had to hold him up while he huffed.

"Torturing him is not necessary to get me to do what you want!" You cried. "Please, don't hurt him...!"

"Well, go get 'em, then, sweetheart. Disarm him." Silver demanded of you.

"NEVER call me 'sweetheart!'" You growled deeply, protective of the pet name. "Only Yoongi calls me that!"

"Disobey me and your poor love is going to have to suffer for it, so I suggest you stop stalling and get collecting, dear niece."

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