Chapter 102

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A lot of people in front came here early in the morning to line up. In order to watch Liren's screening, some people stood here before dawn to line up.

His legs were numb while standing, his old waist was sore, and he drank all the water in the water bottle he carried with him.

At such a moment, there was a commotion in the crowd behind, and then someone smelled the unique fragrance of lotus cake in Tianxianglou, and there was a pot of tea welcoming guests.

The fragrance of tea leaves and the sweetness of cakes from a long distance penetrated their noses one after another.

The dull stomachs of the people who had been standing for several hours suddenly became thirsty and hungry. They covered their chests and put them on their backs. They all turned their heads and looked behind, wondering who was standing in the line eating these things.

After they saw it, they were even more furious and regretful!

It turned out to be at the back of the queue, and there were three people in the queue who not only ate lotus cakes and drank the welcome tea, but they even brought their own small benches and tables.

Sitting there leisurely while queuing up and eating pastries.

It seems that this is not a place for suffering and queuing, but a place to go out for a youth tour.

How unreasonable!

"I want too!"

This is the voice of the people.

It turns out that besides standing here, you can also bring small benches, cakes and tea.


However eggs! No one is ready for this kind of preparation today, even if they learn it, they won't be able to use it! fall!

The snake demon glass man didn't come to Fengcheng every day, sometimes he came three times a month, and sometimes he only came once a month and then left.

Those who hooked their hearts to death could only wait for the monster to appear again.

Although these people don't know what hunger marketing is, they have successfully become victims of hunger marketing.

Lu Bei, who was being watched by everyone, drank tea and ate snacks calmly.

Xinyang has long been used to Lu Bei's brain circuits that are different from ordinary people, and even treats those jealous eyes as air.

On the contrary, it was Duan Mingyi's first sip of tea that he was watched by so many pairs of eyes.

And not long after they sat down, a lot of people came to line up from behind, which meant that no matter whether it was the front or the back of the line, everyone was looking at the three of them.

"Uncle Duan, are you still short of money?" Lu Bei looked at the fidgeting appearance of Party A's client and asked him.

Duan Mingyi was startled, and then he lowered his head in embarrassment, "I became a jade pendant again, and I still have dozens of inferior spirit stones on me."

"Let me recommend a way to make money for you. Anyway, it's boring for us to line up. It's not bad to do some small business during this hour."

Lu Bei, who went wherever he went for business, waved at him and motioned him to come closer.

Duan Mingyi, who has lived for more than forty years, is the first time he has heard someone say that business is so calm.

And just for an hour, what kind of business can this do? It takes at least three to five days to clean up the store just to select a location and invite people to buy goods.

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