Chapter 84

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Yun Zhou stopped less than three meters in front of him, a familiar figure jumped out of the Yun Zhou, raised his eyes and saw a young man standing not far away watching him, the other party ran over with a cheer, "Kong Chuyun, You are here too!"

It's been a while since Lu Bei saw this same guy who also switched from Baisemen, he seemed to be very busy after he joined Bailian Peak.

Except for the last time he saw him on the day he moved into his new house, he hadn't seen him in the past few months.

"You Supreme Peak started practicing with monsters so early?" Kong Chuyun's eyes fell behind Lu Bei, and saw the other figures jumping off the cloud boat.

Even though Bailian Peak would come here to use monsters to improve their swordsmanship after one month of entry, Kong Chuyun did not expect that Supreme Peak would come here only half a year later.

"Senior Brother Chang taught us a new sword technique last month, saying that it is useless to just learn it, you need to practice and fight if you want to keep improving, so he brought us here after we became proficient in those three moves. You are hurt."

After Lu Bei finished speaking, he looked down and saw blood on the bandaged gauze on the palm of the other party, and subconsciously took out a large bottle of gold sore medicine he prepared in advance from the storage bag and handed it over, "I bought a lot of spare bottles, this bottle is for you."

Before coming here, he also expected that he would be injured, so he almost ransacked the old doctor's pharmacy in Yuchi Town.

All the medicines related to the injury were bought by him and brought with him.

The angry old doctor's beard was a little gray, and he held his crutch behind his back and licked him while saying, "You have taken so much medicine from me and still dare to come back with an injury, you just wait to be beaten to death by my crutch!"

"Thank you, you will follow me in a while, the novice practice area is a separate place."

Kong Chuyun has been here for several months, and he is more familiar with the entire rear camp and the positions where newcomers need to practice than these newcomers.

As soon as the voice fell, he realized that the people in front of him were not those newcomers who were silent or rejected thousands of miles away.

With Lu Bei's character of being able to mingle with people wherever he goes, he must be able to quickly figure out this place without having to remind the other party himself.

"Then we, Supreme Peak, will thank you first. I'll meet up with Senior Brother Chang first, and we'll talk when I have time."

After Lu Bei didn't think much of thanking him, he trotted all the way back to Senior Brother Chang.

"There is a shortage of supplies here. The seven of you are all living in the same tent. Today, you are here to familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment. In addition, you are also familiar with the monsters in the sky. All of you are not allowed to walk around at will in the morning tomorrow, and you are not allowed to escape , Those who flee here without a fight will be expelled from Wanjianzong regardless of the reason, I hope you will remember this."

When Chang Sandu said this, his face, which had little expression before, was indeed very serious and serious at this moment.

The seven people standing in front of him pounded their little heads like garlic, and took it seriously. Everyone said that they had remembered his words and warnings.

In Wan Jianzong's camp, there are a total of nine randomly built tents.

Among them, the seven largest tents represent the tents of the seven mountain peak disciples of Wan Jianzong.

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