"Who threw the bitter tea around! The blushing brother is already teasing me because of your comment."

"Next, disciples of Baisemen will give a demonstration for everyone, the [Self-Throwing Snare] idiom program."

All the brothers who were accused by Lu Bei did not expect that the few words they just chatted in private would be heard by the deity.

It seems that in the future, you can't just talk about others behind their backs.

"I'm sorry, we apologize to you, Junior Brother Lu, you should come back, those sword cultivators are dirty and poor and have nothing to learn."

Occasionally in Yuchi Town, disciples of Wan Jianzong stop by to buy things. They are often unrecognizable and covered in dust, and sometimes their clothes are tattered.

It is in sharp contrast with Baise Gate, who wears light-colored clothes every day and has neat and clean hats.

"But I'm still sad, unless you guys tell me the bad things you said about me back then in front of my face."

Lu Bei, who was climbing up the pole, was quite curious about what these brothers and sisters would say bad things about him behind his back.

Looking at the red faces with dodging eyes and red ears.

With a high ponytail and a black dress holding a long sword in his arms, Lu Bei stood arrogantly in front of five or six Baisemen disciples.

Looking from behind, if he didn't pay attention, he would think that the disciple of Wan Jianzong went directly to the Baisemen's territory to bully others.

"Why don't you brothers talk?"

"Could it be that those words hurt people too much? Since they hurt people, why do you still talk about me behind your back?"

In Yuan Chunyu's Hongchen building, the leg of the chess table was a little wobbly recently, so he thought of going down the mountain to find a carpenter to help him rebuild a new table leg.

The person who just came out of the carpenter's shop and returned to the sect, passed by the official road bamboo forest outside the west city gate, and saw an aggressive disciple of Wan Jianzong questioning those disciples of Baisemen from a long distance away.

Yuan Chunyu walked over with the table leg in his hand expressionlessly, and he could hear it more clearly as he walked closer.

"Brothers really don't want to say it?" Lu Bei could hardly hold back his smirk, seeing the embarrassment on the faces of his seniors, he found a trace of happiness in being a villain.

Just as he was about to apologize to his seniors and stop fooling them, a slender hand with distinct bones appeared on his shoulder.

"If you want to hear so much, how about listening to what I have to say?"

The smile on Lu Bei's face was still there, and he subconsciously turned his head to look at the person behind him.

Not only did he see clearly who the person was, but he also saw clearly what the other party was holding in his hand.

An hour later, in the courtyard of 1319 Baisemen, a boy with bad legs and feet was holding a cat without a mirror and crying loudly.

"I've only been away for a month! Brother Yuan doesn't consider me his friend anymore!"

Sitting on the steps, gnawing on the autumn pear trio he bought, they nodded in unison, "You are not friends with Senior Brother Yuan."

"To be precise, you are his half-disciple." Wen Siyan peeled her pear skin, and gently drew a clear position for their relationship.

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