Chapter 12

13 2 3

"Humilitas Occidit Superbiam

Humility Conquers pride"


"3...2...1... ok let out the breath."

Coming back to Atlanta was definitely needed not only for my kids' sake but for the sake of my own sanity as well. When I initially went to Jersey, I thought it'd be cool. We'd get our time apart and I'd be able to work on starting businesses over here, what I quickly learned was that I went right back into that young girl mentality of being 17 and on my own for the first time. We talked a lot about Jaya's teenage years but never touched on mine and how I ended up married to Pac at 18 and pregnant by 19. All the while I am trying to make a way for myself and my family only to end up selling crack and having to give up my baby to pursue a career that at some times degraded more than it promoted us. Being in Jersey again just proved why I wanted to leave that area in the first place, it wasn't good for my mental and it also put me way to close to old skeletons that I wasn't trying to deal with.

How do you feel now, she said rubbing my back. A little better, but internally I am still torn up. I know how you feel, we never mean to do the things that are done, but it's happened now and all we have to move on. How do I move on from hurting my child. Prayer and apology! I apologized to her and I explained why I did it. That's all you can do babe, making it harder on yourself only makes its worse, trust me I know. You and Kennedy are ok now right. 100% no, but do I bust ass every day to make sure that she knows I love her to death and I'd die any day for her. I nearly died having her, I said sniffling. I know I was there remember. I can't believe I was arguing with you when that happen. I know the nerve of you to argue with me she said smirking. I just wanted that attention that you gave to Ti. I swear if I knew it was cause a competition, I would have never engaged you in adding her. It's not a competition. You sure cause ever since we got married it's been a constant "You love her more than me! You care about her feelings more than mine! Why you still want me if you crying over her!". Did I say that? Yeah, you did, and you know that ain't true, if you wasn't feeling her too, I would have never agreed to do that. You still wanted her though. Well yeah, I did and do, but I could learn to control myself and not make you feel kind of way. I guess I just got jealous that you start giving her more attention than me. Not possible! The stuff I did for you is the same thing I did for her. Getting rid of them no good niggas, Check! Getting your money straight when Pebbles tried to hoe yall out, check! Really Jaya! Wait I am not finished. I put yall on to game and made yall the most feared women in the city. To be fair we were already feared no one said anything about it though. And I think I speak for Tionne as well when I say that Pebbles never hoed us out to anyone, now yeah, we may have been a little naïve on the contracts at the beginning but we clearly got that resolved. Thanks to me, I made sure that bitch was paying yall. So again Lisa, please tell me how I did anything different for her than I did for you. In fact, I let you slide more than I ever did with her.

She was right she was hard on Tionne especially those first few months after we got married. Yeah, we were blissfully married, but in the back of her mind she would have these thoughts that Ti would step out on us and go back to Dalvin. She never went back to Dalvin, instead she fell into Donovan's trap. Which was far worse than her ever going back to Dalvin. It was one of the worst mistakes of her but it was also a blessing for her and us. Because of that situation we got our son! He was the only good thing that came out of that situation and we all knew it. Aye look at me Jaya said making me look at her. You know I am always true to you Lisa, we started this shit, and yeah Tionne and I got this looming history but so do we. We got history! Oh, hell yeah, I do. We try to ignore it but please don't forget there was Jaya and Lisa before the three of us were together. You got Andre, Suge, and oh you had to be married to the nigga that gets on my second to last nerve Amaru. Your 2nd to last nerve I said chuckling. Yes, that nerve the first is reserved for that other nigga that won't be mentioned. And you have that nigga! Speaking of I hear he's looking for you. Looking for me! I am the last bitch on earth he should be looking for right now. He is, heard he's been calling different people to gage your temperament. My temperament is the least of his concerns right now, trust when I speak to him, he will understand me loud and fucking clear. Ooop, we cussing like the old Jaya now. I am the same Jaya with upgrades and refinements.

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