Chapter 33

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"Caeca Invidia est"

"Envy is blind


While mama is gone, I am in charge I said to the boys as we sat in the living room. Why would you be in charge when you are not the oldest Jayden said? I am the oldest male in the family so I am in charge. Where is Kennedy, she's the oldest so she should be in charge Mykel said. Look we are not arguing over who is in charge I am in charge so let's get through this peacefully please. They both sighed when Sariah and Kennedy walked in. What's going on? Izzy thinks he's in charge because mama had to fly to Atlanta. Jordan, you know the order in the family! I am the oldest male in the family and mama always told me when she's not here I am in charge. That don't mean you can go on a power trip though. I am not I was merely telling yall that while they were out of town I am in charge. Technically Titi Zoe and Uncle Lucas are in charge, but Izzy is right you guys while the moms are gone Izzy is the oldest male and I am the oldest female so we need yall to be on your best behavior. Can yall handle that? Yes, ma'am they both said looking at us. Good job, we're gonna make some dinner so that when Titi Zoe and Tio Lucas get back, they can eat as well. Uhh where is Trinity Riah said looking around? Titi Zoe took her with them. Oh, ok she said letting out a breath as if she was concerned about something. Per usual, Jasmine wasn't here again and we were having to pick up her weight but it was okay, we didn't really trust her anyway and she was already skating and thin ice with the moms anyway. After having our talk, the girls went to go start dinner while I took the time to hang out with my brothers. As much as I preached to them, I am the man of the house, I didn't spend as much time with them as I should of. Given everything we're going through now I needed to spend that time with them because every day wasn't promised to us.

Hey, you guys wanna play some ball or something? You want to hang out with us, Mykel said with a shocked expression. I do, yall are my little brothers. Duh it's just that you don't typically hang out with us, you're always busy with school or Lauryn, you just never have time for us. That kind of hurts to hear that my little brothers think I don't have time for them. That's not true I do have time for yall and that's going to change since I am not going straight to college, I'll be around to help yall with school more. Really what happened to you going to Florida? It's just not the time right now. You're still going to go though, right they said looking at me? Of course, you know how are moms are, you have to get that education. I am just postponing it for a little bit. Oh, ok well we're 2 on 1. How we playing 2 on 1. Because you're bigger so 2 of us equal one of you Jayden said laughing. Alright but I am not going to take it easy on you we wouldn't expect you to be they said laughing a little. After being apart for so long it felt good to actually spend time with my little brothers. I'd missed so much of their childhood and then there was stuff that they went through that I couldn't physically be there to help them with. Mykel...Mykel although he doesn't show it, still suffers from the stuff that he went through when mami was in the hospital. He told me when they got here that he was happy that he could finally be a kid again. Imagine a 6-year-old saying that to you. I knew that feeling too well, my PTSD from the shooting is still bothers me till this day. When I first got to California, I literally cried for a month straight. I didn't let my mom know but I did and when I was done with that phase I turned to the next phase which was anger. I was angry because she messed up our family, she left and messed up the family and I didn't understand why she did it. I couldn't understand why we had to leave because they had an argument. They always had arguments but we never had to leave before. That lasted for a while until...well until mommy found out and nip that shit in the butt. She didn't care how old I was, I not to take my aggression out on my mother and she meant it too.

Now my relationship with Jayden was different. I won't say we aren't close but he doesn't have the same level of reverence and respect for me because we haven't lived together in the same house ever. When mama had him, me and mom came home for a few months and then we were back out like it was just another day. I really haven't spent more than maybe 3 months at a time with him. Up until this last visit, this is the longest that I've been in the house with him ever and I didn't know how to feel about that.

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