Chapter 4

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"Imperium in imperio"

An empire within an empire


I love Paris in the Spring! You spend a lot of time traveling huh, I said to Mariela. You could say that. It gets lonely sometimes in Puerto Rico, so I occasionally jet set. Must be nice to be able to do whatever you want to do when you want to do it. The passive aggressive act won't work on me Lani so if you have something to say just say it. You know I don't mince my words, if I have an issue, I'll address it. Then address it, because I've already fought it out with Leila. You fought it out with Leila? This ain't my first time seeing her, as soon as she found out Jayasri was messing around with Josue, she called me and cussed me out in every language she knows. Why couldn't you keep him away from our girls? I tried! You didn't try hard enough. What did you want me to do ship him to the damn moon. I kept my children away from yall. How do you think it made me feel to see you and Leila raising yall's kids together. Doing family shit all the time and me I couldn't do that, I had to send my sons away to boarding school and my daughter back to the islands. You and Leila seem to forget that before yall's relationship we were all sisters, all of us and we were there for each other when we literally had nothing. Eating beans and rice every night and making sure that the niggas we called husbands, lived to see another day. I tried Lani, I sent him away to that boarding school, I kept him away from the shit that his father did, but he still ended up in and it wasn't all my fault there are other people that he has access to as well.

Chuck! He idolizes that man to much! I promise you if they knew half the shit that Chuck was really into, they'd never trust his ass again. How is it that they don't know. Leila never told them. To be fair Leila was in some shit of her own, you know about Daniel and Zoelle's father, right? What do you mean their father is Mathis right. Oohh girl you really think Mathis touched her again after he went down for the shit that he did to Jaya. What did he did do to Jaya? Lani, please tell me you are playing right now. Mari, I don't know what you're talking about, after that shit went down with Jaya, Leila didn't tell me much. I was surprised when I found out she was pregnant with Daniel. Oh, shit she said taking a sip of her drink. Mm I really don't wanna have this conversation with you Lani, I assumed that Leila told you. Leila didn't tell me anything, I mean we weren't exactly speaking like that. Lola wasn't the only one that took some secrets to her grave she mumbled. You really aren't going to tell me. Nope, I don't need Satan's daughter on my ass she said smirking at me. You'll have to talk to her about that. You know I always wondered what happened to the first wife he had. Who? Chuck that's the nigga who is responsible for all of this shit. Oh, she was around and then you know how things go. Hmph yeah, I do. He was supposed to be the good one, the levelheaded one, how the hell did he rope our children into this lifestyle. That's a question he needs to answer himself. Leave it up to Leila and he will answer it. She demises that man, I can understand why though, her oldest daughter gets involved in this shit and drags all the rest of the kids into it as well.

We agree that it's not all my fault then. I did my part I sent them away, how was I supposed to know that they would meet again later own. I guess you wouldn't have known. The silver lining to this is he made us a true family; we share grandkids together and bloodline although I wish it wouldn't have come from Diego, it's still ours, us 3. Don't cry Mari I said rubbing her hand. Look, I won't lie to you and if you repeat this to Leila, I swear I'll deny it, but I am kind of happy it was him and not some sasquatch looking dude. Oh my god Lani she said laughing a little bit. What it's true you see our grandkids they are gorgeous. Imagine if it was someone else, they come out ugly with buck teeth and shit. Stop, she said laughing uncontrollably until Naisha came to the table. And what is so funny? I was just telling her that we should be grateful that our grandchildren are gorgeous because we could have ended up with ugly ones. Is she serious right now? A 100% percent Mari said trying to control her laughter. You two are something else. It's the truth, tell me you don't thank God every day that your children came out looking the way they do. That was God, their genetic background predisposed them to look a certain way. Ahh what was it again that they are mixed with you? Egyptian, European, Bangladesh, Native America, Nigerian, and Portuguese. Damn it's like the whole united nations in your house huh. Something like that she said chuckling. We need to talk about how this ritual will go, because once she gets here, we only have 24 hours to get it done, brief her on the mission, and then get her back to the states. Has it always been like that I don't remember it being that way when we came in. Yall came into the diamond league at a different time and there also wasn't as much turmoil going on in different regions. The states have been cool for a while, due to the government cracking down on stuff, but in South America and Central America there is unrest and trust it will move north sooner rather than later. You have a point, I said nodding to her.

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