Chapter 23

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"Non loqui set facere

No talk but action"


Jaya! Jaya! Yeah Zoe! You have a phone call! Okay give me a minute, I said getting myself together and I'll be right out. It's been a little less than a month since I left California and I won't lie it's been extremely hard to not know where my child is. If she's ok. Old Jaya would have fought harder and not left that state until I was sure she was good and that I had spoken to her. But now I am older and the stress of trying to make someone hear you out when they don't want to is too much. Funny thing is I am on the flip side of my mother when I was Kennedy's age. I swore I knew how to approach and handle everything situation and I didn't know my mother trying to tell me what to do. Kennedy was bold when she walked out that night and I saw myself in her when my mama first found out about Caine. I had just turned 17 and for my birthday she threw me a party. The best one she could for a woman with 5 kids and 2 baby daddies gone in the wind. We'd just gotten to the part of the party where they were singing Happy Birthday and cutting the cake, when I saw Caine walk through the door. He was sexy as hell and me being the stupid horny teenage girl all I could think about was getting the birthday dick! Yes, I said birthday dick, cause I knew he was gonna give me that and anything else I asked for. He strolls into the party and immediately my mom knew who he was and tried to have him escorted out before he could even say anything to me. I defended him against her, words were exchanged and before I could even blow out my candles me and my mother relationship was over. I remember spending that night crying my eyes at Ro's house because he had something else to do, he'd only come by to say Happy birthday and drop me a measly 200 dollars. $200 dollars ruined my relationship with my mother and for a year we didn't speak until she told me she was pregnant. My mother was pregnant and I'd just had my first miscarriage with Caine. I was still early on and didn't really understand what was going on with my body. So, I didn't even realize what had happened until I went to the doctors office and the told me. Needless to say, I needed my mother at that time so when she called I went back home for a little bit to help her with Noel and Daniel. We mended our relationship as much as we could and when I found out I was pregnant for real she was there for me.

If I knew half of the shit I know now when I was her age, I wouldn't have made the decisions I made back then. I definitely wouldn't have left my mom's house that night and inadvertently harmed my child. Talk about guilt, it's been over 30 years and I still feel that deep pit in my stomach especially on the day that it happened. I had to be so big and bad. Trying to prove to a man that I loved him and could be his everything for him to tell me "You know my situation and I can't do that right now"! I can't do that right now, that's what he told me that, that I was in a rush to get home so I could track his ass, I lost the most important thing in my life. Fast forward 12 years later that same man gave me a second opportunity to do motherhood. I hated him but at the same time I loved him and I owed him a great deal. I just wasn't going to let it come that easy. He couldn't and wouldn't run over me anymore, my new mindset won't allow me to be taken advantage of any longer. Not even by the ones that I trust.

Who is it, Zoe? I don't know! They didn't say! I looked at the phone before answering it. Hello! Hermosa! You have got to be fucking kidding me right. How the hell did you get this number? It's wasn't too hard when you have access to a database. And how did you get into that, your access was cut off. Was it, or have I just not logged into it. I hear you've been trying to contact me, what do you want? I heard about the lawsuit and I wanted you to hear from my mouth that I didn't do it. And why should I believe you now? Why would I sue you for something that you would get anyway. Jayasri I've never once in all the years lied to you and Asia about my personal affairs and you know that. Anything I got goes to yall. Why does it go to us and not your wife, we weren't good enough to be your wife, but we're good enough to get your money and you children if you die. You honestly want my last name Jaya? You really want to carry the last name of man that cheated on his wife multiple times. Huh I already do! We both know that Watson ain't your last name and Ms. Leila definitely don't carry that last name either. Honestly Jesse I don't want anything from you, other than an apology to me and my wives for the shit you put us through. I know! When you can be man enough to apologize in person face to face then and only then will I speak with you about anything else. Jaya wait! No Jesse that's my offer, and I know you're only calling because you're afraid of what Mariella will do to you, but just imagine what your daughter is gonna have to say to you. My daughter? Yes, your daughter, she knows, I told her. Oh I... I didn't think you ever would. Well, I did and I am facing the consequences now, and soon you will as well. You really want to see me face to face, Jaya. Honestly no I don't, but you owe it to my wives to apologize for being selfish and causing me to regress into something I worked hard to come out of. I get it and thanks for hearing me out! Mhm bye Jesse I said before hanging up the phone.

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