Chapter 14

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"Veritas Nunquam Perit

The Truth Never Perishes"


Nigga I am a lot of things but dumb ain't one of them. Come on Dominic, haven't I always had your back! You have but that's my god sister. Yall aren't blood! Doesn't matter if I turn on my god sister like that, I am just as good as dead. I have responsibilities to a son, and a wife I am not doing it. You gon have to find another way to get in contact with Jaya. I let out a deep breath, you're right I was wrong for asking you to do that, I've already done that once and look where it got me. Exactly! For once why don't you really think about her feelings, Jaya's been nothing but good to you, yet you treat her like shit. You gotta back down on this. It's not that easy to do Dominic, I am feeling the pressure coming from the top. The top, nigga you at the top, or at least you were at the top. You know about Las Viudas Negras? Las mean my mother's organization. So, you do know about it and the four horsemen as well. I thought all of that shit was a myth my father made up to entertain us when we were little. It's not a myth its very much true and the four horsemen weren't at the top. The women were at the top. Long story short, I've been told by my mother that I need to make things right with Jaya and Asia or else I'll face repercussions. Oh, so you afraid of mommy! If you knew what my mother was capable of, you'd be afraid too.

Does she know Jaya and her temperament, it'd be easier for you to eat a live scorpion than to go at her again, especially after the shit you pulled. I don't know if she knows her directly but I have a feeling she's come into contact with her recently. Recently! Yeah, she went on this trip overseas and came back talking about I need to make things right with her or its about to get real tense for me. So now you see why I need to get in contact with Jaya. No, I really don't, that sounds like a personal problem. Dominic! Jesse you are the cause of her second mental breakdown. Mental breakdown! Shit I didn't say that. Yeah, you did! Is something wrong with Jaya? You ain't hear this from me and I'll deny it if it ever comes back up, but you are the entire reason why she and Asia didn't talk for almost 5 years, Familia was in all essence of the words done, and why she ended up in the mental hospital. What did I do to Asia? You conveniently forgot to tell her that you were married to her aunt or wait my bad the bitch that killed her uncle and had her parents on the run for damn near 30 years. She finds out that Jaya has known for years and didn't tell her, so what does she do she tells Jaya to her face to fuck off that there is no love or family between the two of them. No! Yes, she told her that, and then she cut off her cameras and consequentially ended Familia.

Oh my god! I thought she knew who Katrina was. Come on now Jesse, don't play that dense shit with me. No, I am serious I thought she knew, Asia saw me and Katrina together. Asia didn't have a clue and she took out all those years of repressed energy on Jaya. Katrina told me about Asia, prior to me finding out what she did to her uncle. And you didn't think to tell her yourself? No, I honestly didn't and once I did put it together, it was too late no need for me to bring up the past. Well, the past almost killed Jaya, after that she went down a bad pathway and ended up checking herself into a mental hospital. So again, Jesse, why would you possibly want to talk to her now? I guess I wouldn't. No, you wouldn't, as far as the pressure you feeling from the top, for once you're going to have to deal with it the same way you made them deal with it. Thanks man! Mhm I gotta got I am running late for something. I'll hit you up when I am stateside again. Cool bye Jesse! Bye Dominic

I hung up the phone and looked out over the ocean. When I left the states, I knew Jaya and I weren't on the same page but I'd never imagined that it had gotten that bad to the point of where Jaya and Asia were fighting each other. I always told them that no matter what they had to keep their relationship tight. Familia didn't work if they were on opposite sides. I guess that right there was the issue, me trying to control them and play puppet master. They weren't in-adamant objects, they were human beings with real lives and real issues that no matter how much I tried to play like I could fix them, I couldn't. I couldn't fix the scars that their childhood had left on them.

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