Chapter 15

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"Memores acti prudentes future

Mindful of what has been done, aware of what will be"


Are you sure they're ready Nenita? I think they are mami. You can't think you have to know; you're putting your neck and in some cases your life on the line to bring them in. They won't come in until after Asia, but I need to gauge how they handle certain things. It's one thing for them to take care of me and handle things stateside what happens if I need to send one of them overseas to do something. I understand that but Nenita...Mami are you really questioning me on this she said raising her voice. Questioning I said straightening up a little bit. Mami, I don't mean it like that. Jayasri, let me explain something to you, I went out on limb to get you that invitation and to make sure that it happened. You will not disrespect me do you hear me? Yes! Yes! I am not your subordinate Jayasri; I am your elder and when you answer me you will do so with respect. Now how should you respond? Yes ma'am! I am sorry for disrespecting you that way. You're so much like me you don't even know how much. I understand that you want your wives in the organization with you but it has to be the right time for it. I thought the plan was to bring them all in, have all of Familia represented within the Diamond League. That is the plan at some point, but the main goal is for you and Asia to be in together, you and her, are the Legacy of Las Vuidas Negras. Why, we aren't the only 2 legacies, Jenelle, Dominique, and hell even Alana are legacies as well. I can't explain that to you right now. They don't want to recognize Lola and Mariella's daughters?

Mariella isn't the issue she's a full fledge member, Alana's invitation is based on you and Asia getting along with her. It should be more like her getting along with us, I don't do the disrespect and the next time she calls me a hoe she'll see what kind of woman I really am. That's Jesse's fault for putting you in that position. Hmph and what about Jenelle and Dominique? Lola died before the group got its invitation. So, they don't have one? Technically no they don't. That's not fair, how can you invite her sisters and not her daughters? You see why I pushed for you to come in so quick. You want me to stand proxy for Lola? You can't stand proxy, but you can sponsor people that are on the outside. So, you telling me I need to choose between my wives and my god sisters? No, I never want you to make that decision. I am simply letting you know that if they ever wanted an invitation, they would need a sponsor. And yall couldn't do it for Lola as her sisters? The rules are you bring in your legacy and that's it, anyone else has to be sponsored and vetted. But it's your sister, Mari should be able to bring in at least Jenell in, she's her god daughter. Blood Legacy Nena, only Lola would be able to do that and since she's not here. Ok so what happens if we sponsor them and then we want to bring in our daughters, would that negate our Blood Legacies? No, it wouldn't but would you really want to bring in Kennedy and Nayarah? I don't know...wait mami you know about Nayarah? You really thought I didn't know Maloria had that baby and gave her up for adoption. No one talks about it! I am sure they don't she made a decision and she has to live with it, but when it comes to the Diamond League, she would be a legacy member, however it would involve Aisa giving her a place in Familia. Oh well than that solves that because I don't think Asia would ever do that. You never know Nena, but if she does that's her way in. I don't think Lisa and Tionne would be ok with Kennedy being in Familia either, it's one thing for her to know about it, it's another for her to be involved on any level. One day soon you will have to make that decision though. You're right about I will, I spent so many years saying my children would never know this lifestyle and now I am thinking, I need to prepare them for their role in it.

Don't over think it Nena, things will fall into place for your kids and your god sisters. Crazy thing is, Jenelle and Dominique are in different phases of life, yeah, they are Familia but maybe that's the extent of their participation. Once Asia comes in, we'll discuss how to move when it comes to them and their position in the Diamond League. Your wives are different, they have a spot automatically because of you two and they're mothers. They're mothers! I've said too much. Nope you haven't said enough. I can't tell you that history right now but just think about what you know about Las Viudas Negras and how they move. That's the thing I really don't know about it, up until a few months ago you've never mentioned it to me. Jaya I... It'll unfold as you continue to grow sweetie, I said patting her shoulder and leaving the room.

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