Chapter 7

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"Timedni Causa est nescire,

Ignorance is the cause of fear."


Whew I said looking at the ring on my right hand. When I arrived in Paris, I had no idea what was in store for me or how I'd feel coming face to face with the mother of the man I once held in high regards. Surprisingly once I got to know her, she wasn't at all what I thought his mother would be like. As I said before he never talked about her and at some point, you'd think he didn't even have a mother. All he talked about was his father. How his father was the greatest man ever. How he ran the east coast and was that nigga. Hmph that nigga ended up getting his brains blown out by his own wife. She ain't even have to tell me what happened that night because I remembered it. I remember my father telling me and Marco that he'd take us home, he just had to run a quick errand to run. A quick errand turned into the end of my childhood. Imagine being 7 years old and walking into a warehouse and seeing a woman screaming bloody murder and to look over and see a man brain spread out on the concrete floor. And the man that was supposed to protect me in all of that, wasn't even worried about the fact that his children saw that. Naw his main priority was his brother and the money. Not his children, his brother and the mother fucking money that was stacked up in the warehouse they were in.

But we'll put that to the side for now because as I said in the beginning it's a new day for Jayasri, those days of being a submissive mindless bitch is over with. Naw I am fully aware of everything and everyone that don't have my best interest at heart and best believe I am going to make my presence known in the only way I know how. Until then they should be very worried about what I might do or say to them, my god father included. I sat on the park bench overlooking the Eiffel tower as I waited for Akira to show up. Why I was meeting with her I had no clue but apparently it had to be done before I could speak with Asia. I did need to speak with her. 2 Years of therapy has taught me that I need to express my feelings and the way that she treated me was not only unprofessional but also it hurt! It hurt really bad to know that the one person who had been there since the beginning treated me like I ain't take care of her when Jesse left her butt on my doorstep, or like I wasn't the one staying up with her and helping her finish out her degree cause she was so depressed that she damn near fluked out. When keep in mind I had my own baby to take care of and my own drama outside of the stuff that Jesse had us into. Oh, she must have forgotten all the shit I caught for her in the past. See before she was the dangerous take no names lay them out person she is now, this girl would literally throw up at the site of blood and start freaking out. I won't say I made her who she is, but I damn sure helped to mold her into it . Oh yeah, she got me all the way fucked up.

Jayasri! Huh I said hearing the voice pulling me out of my thoughts. Akira Yamamoto! Jayasri Watson! No longer Watson its Watkins-Lopes now. Oh, two last names and neither is De la Cruz. And it never will be I said smirking as she took a seat next to me. How are you? Today was better than most but I am doing good and you? The last few years have been really hectic for me. Just the last few years, it's been about 25 years since I've seen you. It has indeed I had to leave. Why? Somethings I can't explain it just wasn't safe for me to be in the US any longer. You realized how incredibly dangerous it is for the two of us to be seen together right? It would be dangerous if we were at odds with each other, but we aren't, I said showing her the ring on my right hand. I saw a smirk come across her face. Yall finally made it in. What do you mean by that? They've been talking about letting yall in for years, but something always come up and the invitation would go without response. How do you...yall weren't the only ones that received invitations to join The Diamond League. I got mine a few years ago, but I turned it down. You turned it down why? It's no longer in me to do certain things for money. I don't need the money or that lifestyle any longer. That's interesting, if you'd asked me this 2 years ago, I would have said the exact same thing. I wasn't cut out for it any longer but then this invitation came, and I had to take it. Just you she said looking at me. Asia isn't exactly speaking to me right now. Let me guess because of Jesse! Isn't it always him? I never liked him, in fact if it wasn't for his mother, who I greatly admire, he wouldn't be around any longer. He's no longer my problem, I've cut ties with him and his evil ways. Jayasri as long as you have his children you will never cut ties with him. You mean a child with him? No, I mean I children, I know that a majority of your children are his and that some aren't.

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