Chapter 2

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"Non Desistas Non Exieris"

Never give up Never Surrender


5 days! We had 5 days to make sure that she was both mentally and emotionally stable to make this trip back to Atlanta to handle this business that her mother needed her to handle. I for one wasn't completely sold on why she needed to go back and why Ms. Leila was being so secretive about shit. I mean she'd never been too fond of Familia, so the fact that she was stating that there was business that needed to be handled had me a little stressed. But I couldn't show that to Jaya because I needed her to believe in herself and know that even though she had a few setbacks that she was still that bitch, that her name still carried weight in these streets and that she will regain her place at the top weather Asia was there with her or not.

Mama! Yes doodle bug! Oh my god really mom she said looking at me. Yes, you'll always be doodle bug to us no matter how old you are. Fine mama she said smirking I have a question. Ok shoot. You by any chance know when we are going back to Jersey. Jersey, I thought you liked being out here in California! I do, trust me I really do. I just wondered when we may be going back. I narrowed my eyes at her, because she spent all that time begging to go home and then when we do all get together all she can talk about is going back to Jersey. Why the sudden fondness for Jersey, I know you aren't trying to get back to that cold ass weather. Mom! Mhm what's his name? Whose name? The little nappy headed boy you trying to get back to Jersey to see. There is no boy mama, can't I just miss my room and friends. You could, but you don't because your room here is bigger and the only person that you miss that much on the east coast is Kennedy and she's in Georgia so try again ma'am. She finally gave in and answered the question, his name is Jontae. Jontae huh! Yes ma'am. And who are his parents. Mama come on now. Come on now what you think, we're going to let you talk to someone without us knowing his parents. Knowing whose parents Jaya and Tionne said coming into the room. You want to tell them or should I, I said looking at her? No, it's nothing, never mind, she said leaving the room quickly.

What was that all about? Your little doodle bug is interested in a boy. Excuse me she is what, Jaya said perking up? The girl is 17, surely you didn't think she'd not be interested in boys right. That's exactly what I thought, she's the child that's going to go to college and be a lawyer, she has no time for boys. Kennedy is in college, and she had boyfriends. She had 1 and he went away just as I wanted him to so she could focus on the bigger picture. And what about Izzy, he's got a little girlfriend too. That's child's play he's not serious about that. That's what you think, I've seen them together, they are definitely serious. You're saying my son is having sex? I don't know if he is or not, but if he is, are you going to go off on him like we do the girls? She looked at us and rolled her eyes. There is a difference between my daughters getting their hearts broken over some no-good nigga. My sons...your sons have hearts, and please don't do that, because these little thots out here giving up the coochie for Shein and Fashion Nova daily. Shein really! Yes, girl Shein, just busting it open for some 9 dollars shirts and 15-dollar jeans. Naw Izzy can't be dealing with no stupid chicks they gotta have more sense than that she said shaking her head. No double standards remember we said that. I guess but she's too young to date. She's 17. Please remind what the two of you were doing at 17? Point taken Ti and I said, we can't keep her from it. We won't she just needs more time that's all she said grabbing a water out the fridge.

How was therapy? It was good, I think I've come to a decision on things that I'd been mulling over for a while. And what's that? I want to speak with Asia. Speak with Asia. Yes, girl I didn't stutter. I know I heard you, just why do you wanna speak to her now? 2 years is a long time to not speak to someone, especially someone that I did business with and cared about. I asked my wife here to give me her new number, but she wouldn't, so now I am asking you she said looking at me with that look she gives when she knows that I know information that she doesn't. I can't give it to you either because I don't have it. You don't have her phone number? Nope, I said honestly. Other than the two of them not speaking, Asia and I had another reason for not speaking as well. One that I wasn't looking to bring up with her now. You speak to Ro though; I know you do. Of course, Ro is my sister and business partner we kind of have to speak. Well just as you speak to your sister, I need to speak to mine, she said with certainty before leaving the room.

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