Chapter 9

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"Sic infit

So it begins"


I am proud of you Son, 2 years, 4 kids and not a drop of alcohol I don't know how you do it. I don't either pops Some days are better than others and on those rough days I double up on my work outs. I can see you getting buff over there don't hurt anybody. I keep my hands to myself unless they touch me first. That's how you do it. How is mom doing? She's fine, you know the fiery Hawaiian doesn't sit still for too long she has to find something to do. She sounds like my wife, you know after having 2 sets twins you'd think her sex drive would go away, it seems like it increased. Boy don't you know women hit their sexual peak in their 40's and some it drops off after that. But there are others that don't peak, and they keep having sex well past when people they aren't supposed too. I mean look at me and your mother. Pops, that's too far I don't wanna hear about you and mom having sex. How do you think you got here boy? Yo mama is fine I was trying to get...Pops! I gotta go, I said shaking my head. I am telling the truth; some women's sexual drive just increases as they age.

But if you don't want no more kids, you gotta get that procedure done. Pops they not cutting off my balls. Boy they don't cut off yo balls, they just snip the line that lets your swimmer's flow. Dad! Corey in all seriousness it's a 15-minute procedure, 3 days of healing tops and its reversible. Now imagine if you sent your wife in to get that surgery its 3 months tops of healing and she's gotta be cut open. You know what that means for you? No sex for at least 6 months and then you get to look at that scar every time you make love to her. Now do you really want to subject your wife to that insecurity. I don't! then make the appointment! Hell take your brother with you, him and his wife are talking about having more kids. Dad they only have 3 kids. 3 is enough, any more than that...Dad you know how many kids Mal has right, I said chuckling. She's different and plus she only had 2 naturally so she hasn't met the quota for children. Hmph ok, well I'll let you go I actually have work to do. That's right, my son is an entrepreneur. Amongst other things Pops. I love you, Son! I love you too Pops!

It still felt so weird to say that. I mean after so many years of hating this man and wondering why he hated me. To now have this relationship with him was different and I value it. I hope one day to have this type of relationship with my sons as well. Ooo speaking of I was supposed to be getting this stuff for them when my dad called. I grabbed the phone and stuck it in my pocket before heading into the store to grab the items for the twins. Excuse me, where is your Pedialyte? Aisle 15! Thanks, I said nodding to the girl before walking toward the aisle. I guess I was too busy looking in my phone that I didn't notice I ran into someone. I am so sorry she said looking up at me. It's ok! It was my fault really. Thanks, she said walking fast towards the front. The girl looked so familiar to me, but I couldn't place her face. I shook it off, grabbed the Pedialyte and some snacks for the girls before making my way out of the store and back home.

I know I am sorry I was talking to my dad. You are lucky they fell asleep 15 minutes ago. I love you! Mhmm I am sure you do she said taking the Pedialyte from me. Hey babe, remember that discussion we had about growing our family. Growing our family, as in you want more kids? That's the thing I don't know if that's a good idea anymore. Corey, what are you trying to say? If you don't want any more kids, I am cool with it, and I'll get...the vasectomy. Say what! I'll get it if you are sure we're done with kids. Corey, I am not asking you to do that for me. I am a big girl I know when to tell you enough is enough. I just don't want you to think I am pressuring you or that I don't care about your health, because I do, and I know these pregnancies are hell on your body. This is why I love you Corey because you actually care and listen to my feelings, she said pecking my lips. To be honest with you Corey I don't know if I am finished having kids yet. Really! Pregnancy is hell on my body but when I see those babies, smell their little feet, and hear their little voices. It just makes me think how incredibly blessed I am to have a normal family. I get that and completely understand, but I don't want you to think that we have to keep having kids to make this perfect family life dynamic. You're right, and I don't think I could do another pregnancy anyway I haven't lost the weight from the last set of twins, and I'll be damned if I have another set twins or worse triplets. So, I'll make that appointment then. I'll hold your hand she said chuckling. I don't know why I was afraid to talk to her about it, I knew she'd be ok with it. I guess just hearing that she didn't want to have more kids made it a little easier and I didn't feel like I pressuring her to make the decision.

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