Chapter 31

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                                                "Crudelius est quamn mori semper timere mortem"

"It is more cruel to always fear death than to die"


I watched as she maneuvered around the department store touching and picking stuff as if she could actually afford to buy anything in here. Why I was entertaining her, I don't even know. I spent most of my life hating this woman now I am here spending money that I don't have on her so that she can feel like she's the shit, when we both know she isn't. Can we go now, I said abruptly as she picked up yet another dress? Why are you in such a rush we're shopping. We've been shopping for 4 hours. I am tired and plus I have to work tonight. Work she said laughing, that nigga got you working like you his slave or something. Don't disrespect my man, he ain't a nigga and I work because I like taking care of myself rather than depending on a man to do it unlike some people. Is that a hit at me she said looking at me over her shoulder. If the shoe fits! You really trying to test me aren't you little girl. I haven't been little since you left me with my grandmother to go search for...well wait what were you searching for when you left? I was prison for a crime I didn't commit because of a bitch that was jealous of me. I am surprised anyone was jealous of you I mumbled. You say something Mercielle! Naw I didn't just hurry up as I said I have to work tonight and I want to get some rest before I go in, I said walking away from her as I scrolled through my phone.

I got far enough from her before hitting his name on the cell phone. The phone rang a few times before he answered. What's up? Don't be like that. I haven't seen you in almost two weeks and I am not supposed to act that way. You know what predicament I am in and I can't just leave her out, she's my mother. Merci what hold does she have on you because prior to her getting out of prison you were "pro fuck" her and now you kissing her ass and spending money that ain't even yours on her. I'll pay you back, I said biting my lip as I looked at the display of shoes. I am not worried about the money, because I told you I'll take care of you and Braylon. I can't explain it NJ. And what does your grandmother have to say about it. You know how she is; she's letting her stay but Lorenzo can't step foot at the door or she'll call the cops. Why is that? I don't know, I said something about him bringing bad fortune to the family. That's sad a mother turns on her own son. More like her own son turns on her I mumbled. Huh! Nothing, I am coming home tonight Braylon wants to see you so we'll be there. Finally, you're going to bring my son home. You're son, I said smiling a little bit. Yes, my son, he may not be biologically mine but you know I love him as if he was. I do, I said smiling a little bit. I get off early so I'll make dinner and it'll be ready by the time yall get here. Ok babe I said seeing my mom approach me from a distance. I love you! I love you too he said before hanging up the phone. I put the phone back in my purse just as she approached me. You ready! Yes, daughter I am ready she said rolling her eyes. Please God, give me strength because this woman is getting on my last nerves.

I sucked my teeth watching the price go up and up before stopping at $3587.90. The fuck I mumbled. It was all necessities she said. Yeah, I am sure it was. Mentally I was making a note of how much I'd spent on Nehemiah credit card because I was going to have to pay it all back regardless of what he said. Consider this your last paid shopping spree on me. You act as if it's hurting you to spend a little money on your mother. A little money is like thousand dollars, I've spent 10 grand on you. Do I look like I have 10 grand to spend on you when I have a whole son to take care of as well. Speaking of my grandson, where is his father at. Don't! Get your shit and lets go, I said after taking the receipt from the cashier. It's one thing for her to do shit and hide her hand, it's another for her to drag in my son's father into the picture. He's doing his time and minding his business he don't need to be involved in anything that is going on with Braylon or me. When she got in the car, I didn't say two words to her the whole drive home and I knew it was irking the hell out of her too because as soon as we pulled up to my grandmother's house, she just had to say something. Cielle, I am sorry! Don't be cute and call me that. I am not being cute, I am sorry. What do you really want from me mom, even when you were out you were never there for me so why now? I had a lot of time to think in prison and I was wrong. I was chasing a man that didn't even want me. My father! Yeah, she said rolling her eyes. And where is he now? 6 feet under! Hmph. That's unfortunate for him. Do you forgive me. It's gonna take more than a sad sympathetic "I am sorry" to cover the last 27 years of you being out of my life. Hmph, I guess it would take along to forgive right. Definitely I said as we pulled in to the driveway

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