Since the content of the chat in the guest building was spread three days ago, Wang Xilin has not stepped out of the door, but he is not worried about the gossip that is raging outside, so he asks the boy to go out every day to find out what is going on with the people outside. say his.

He smashed things once after listening to it, but in just three days, he smashed all the things that could be smashed in the room.

His parents even invited a doctor for him today, wanting to take a closer look at his body.

The doctor hasn't come yet, but Wang Xilin has already smashed the newly placed furniture in the room.

"I just got the pills from my brother, it's a bit late."

Lu Bei stepped into the backyard, took out the pills he had prepared with him from his sleeve, and shook them in front of Wang Yu.

He followed Wang Yu to the courtyard where Wang Xilin lives now. As soon as the courtyard door was opened, he saw the broken flowers all over the ground. When he came for the first time, there were many beautiful flowers around the courtyard. pot.

Now, one by one, they were all kicked to the ground, overturning the fertile soil inside.

Lu Bei carried the hem of his clothes and stepped over the remaining flowers on the ground, walked towards the main room and saw Wang Xilin who was sitting inside wearing only a white jacket, and quickly pretended to be worried and angry, strode up to him, and threw His own bottle containing big health pills was stuffed into his palm.

"Brother Wang, cheer up! This is the pill I specially asked the elder brother of the genius doctor Gu to refine. Now everyone in Huifeng City is spreading rumors about you. Are you going to endure it? From now on, the whole Huifeng City will not be divided. Both men and women will secretly laugh at your hidden disease! You can bear it, but I can't bear it."

Wang Xilin has been told by too many people these days that he can't do it, and now even the maids in the mansion are gossiping behind their backs.

Some people even said that the maid who was kicked out with a scalded face was because she accidentally discovered the truth about the young master's incompetence when she seduced the young master, so she was kicked out by the young master who ruined that face in a fit of anger.

As soon as he heard Lu Bei say that he couldn't do it, he raised his head angrily and screamed, "I can do it!"

This voice shouted out his grievance and unwillingness, as well as his true inner thoughts.

It's just that the passers-by who were drinking tea and chatting outside the palace, after hearing the shout that burst their eardrums, everyone from guests to vendors couldn't help complaining, "Only men who can't do it will yell, Young Master Wang will come down this day!" I shouted to God at least three times that I can do it, and it seems that I really can't."

After the major gambling games received the news, the odds on Wang Xilinxing reached a new height immediately.

In today's casinos, if the gambling king Xilin is not good, he will pay thirteen for one, and for the gambling king Xilin, if he is good, it will be as high as one hundred and twelve.

"I know you can do it, but those people outside don't know! Brother Wang, we need to find a way to prove ourselves. I just heard from Wang Yu that a doctor will come to diagnose you later. You can eat one for the doctor. Prove your body for you, and then go out to find an opportunity to tell outsiders that you are willing to prove your ability!"

"How can I prove it? How can I prove it? Am I going to take off my pants to show everyone if I can do it?" The man's dignity has been stepped on by the whole city in three days.

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