🩷If You Love Me For Me🩷 (Pt. 2)

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Little did Hailey know that Jake was standing directly behind her. He had finally found her after all this time spent searching. A huge smile of relief spread across his lips as he lightly tapped Hailey on the shoulder, and it caused his best friend to jump a bit on the spot since it startled her.

"Hailey! There you are, princess! I've been looking for you everywhere in this damn building, and you were just by your locker this entire time?" Jake laughed to himself and shook his head as he found what he was saying to be comical. He leaned the side of his body against the lockers. He tried to meet the girl's eyes, but he noticed how Hailey wasn't even looking at him, nor did she say anything in response to what he said. Instead, Hailey kept her attention fixed onto her locker, rummaging her hands inside it.

Jake cleared his throat awkwardly and continued. "So..where were you yesterday, princess? You left school early and you didn't tell me why. Also, you were ignoring my calls and wouldn't respond to any of my text messages! What's up with that..? Did you get in trouble? Are you grounded or something? Well, that's unlikely the case since you're such a goody two shoes."


No answer was heard.

Hailey was as quiet as a mouse. She made no eye-contact with Jake either. She knew she was being rude, and that this type of behaviour towards anyone can be upsetting or even agitating, but she couldn't help but act this way. What could she even do at this moment? Was she really supposed to behave like nothing happened at all?

After everything Jake said about her.

Behind her own back too.

"Hailey...are you listening to me..?" Jake tried to make eye-contact, but his attempts all failed. Still nothing was heard from the music club's president. Jake's eyebrows began to furrow, and he would be lying if he said his patience wasn't wearing thin. He had never received this kind of treatment from Hailey, nor did he ever expect it.

"Hailey..?! Stop ignoring me!"

"What do you want, Jake."

She finally turned her head towards him, holding a deathly glare on her countenance. Jake swore he could feel his heart stop beating, and not in a good way. If looks could kill, he figured he would have been dead on the spot.

"Woah..uhm.." Jake rubbed his neck nervously and noticed how Hailey didn't even blink at him once. "You okay..? You..don't look so happy to see me, nor are you even speaking to me. You left school earlier than usual, and..you didn't answer my calls or texts last night. Did I..do something..?"

Hailey fought back a scoff and rolled her eyes. "Why does it matter to you anyways?"

With each time Hailey spoke and acted peculiarly, the more it stunned Jake. Where was all of this coming from, he thought. He definitely did something to set Hailey off, but unfortunately, he didn't know what. Though Jake was sure he hadn't done anything.

"Hailey, what are you talking about? Do you even hear yourself? I'm your bestest friend, aren't I? Of course it matters to me when you don't answer my calls and texts. You know I begin to worry. What's wrong with you? Did something happen? Did someone hurt you?! If anyone dared to hurt you, I'll- "

Hailey raised her hand up at him, shaking her head. Her body language had basically told him to stop talking. Jake paused mid-sentence while looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Jake..you can drop the act now. It's okay. I know you don't really care about me, or love me like I thought you did.." Hailey glanced down at the ground, finding it hard to even look at him properly.

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