Part 28

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After 2 months and 13 days, one cloudy day when you were at the balcony reading letters in the privacy of your private separate chambers, he walked in. The silence between the two of you, surprisingly becoming too much for him. He was at fault and he knew that he just refused to believe it. Gods never asked for forgiveness and they never apologized for the havoc they caused. They always get away with it.

"Are you done punishing me in silence?"

You turned the page, ignoring him almost becoming second nature now.

Doflamingo removed his sunglasses and laid them on the made four-poster bed, wondering if you slept well without him by your side.

He slowly and cautiously invaded the solitary bubble that you remained in for so long. Pulled in by the gravity of your being, one that he has grown accustomed to and during the nightmares that haunted him become a fortress of tranquility, he stepped closer and closer.

His towering height cast a shadow over you as he stood so close. He snatched the letter in your hand and put it away, and before you could glare or cut him with words, he did the unimaginable.

Donquixote Doflamingo lowered himself till his knees touched the floor, his hands holding onto yours not wanting to let go, feeling them. How dainty they were, how soft, how smooth...and yet those same hands that seemed so pure, have shed blood for him.

He rested his head on your lap, relieved that you didn't push him away. You didn't have the chance to as you were too engrossed in the fact that your husband had done the thing you believed he never would bring himself to do.

You remained still till you were not able to anymore, the more he remained on his knees, in prolonged genuflect, your heart grew soft. For here he was sunglasses off and on his knees, at his most vulnerable.

Bending forward, you pressed your lips onto the top of his head, his golden hair tickling you while the warmth of just your kiss spread throughout his being, the warmth that he once believed was a weakness that he could live without.

"Never again," he spoke.

No joking tone, no malice, just a promise. Another promise.

"Doffy..." you finally made a sound, a tune that King would never admit out loud or even to himself that he missed.

He raised his gaze up at you while yours finally returned to the ones he was so familiar with, the shimmer that he can't quite place finally back again.

"Remember..." you cupped his cheek, the tip of your thumb caressing his cheekbone. "We are surrounded by traitors, but I will never, ever, betray you."

He brought your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss on the inside of your palm, silently agreeing. You leaned your forehead against his, eyes closing and noses brushing every so often.

"I am yours," you softly reminded him, fingers caressing his hair.

"You are mine," he closed his eyes, resting his head on the lap of his wife, his lover. The only person who understood him and shared his pain. "It's only us." He held your hand in his tighter, kissing your knuckles. "No one's you and me. It's us. And anyone who isn't us..." He recited words he has said to you so many times it had carved itself not only in your mind, but your heart as well. And you finished the phrase for him, locking the promise, sealing the deal.

"Is our enemy."


Back to the present

Viola charged and with deadly aim, jabbed at Doflamingo. Her knife clashed with another blade, her arms shaking as she struggled against the strength of this person.

"I have looked the other way for everything you've done,"
Violet froze and felt her mouth dry with fear, recognizing the voice she's been hearing for the last decade.

"But to raise your blade at Doffy with the intent to kill crosses the line."

Doflamingo ,from behind his cunning wife, laughed and grinned, surprised at your swift arrival as well as at the rare deadly spark in your eyes.

"Y/N-san! My fight is with him not with you!"

"For the things you have done behind my back for years, you should've known your fight was always going to have been with me, Violet."

"Doffy, you mustn't let her fight! The baby—"

Violet was repelled back by you, eyes now fearful as she did not want to fight you.

You turned to Doffy, taking in his battered state. Though he was hurt, he still stood, formidable, and unshaken. But he only chuckled, amused at your entrance, and from behind Violet charged towards him again, but he didn't have to move, no, not at all, not even an inch, for his Queen blocked the attack with such frightening ease.

How long has it been since you showed your claws?

When you had been crowned Queen, Doffy made sure that you were not to fight at all but he did miss it. That merciless deadly lioness that will look at its target and never let go till it's eliminated, it was his favorite.

Doflamingo laughed as the two women engaged in combat, your swiftness and attacks being far stronger than the former princess. Violet struggled to keep up while you made it look as if you were gliding effortlessly, Doflamingo himself knew first hand of your talent to eliminate.

Violet felt her heart race when her knife was torn from her hand, her eyes following her weapon as it fell, too slow to have countered your leg swiftly striking her and sending her hurling to the ground, Doflamingo's malicious laughter taunting her.

"You should never underestimate, Y/N, Violet."Doffy stepped closer behind you and placed a hand on your shoulder, the other petting your head with praise and pride.

"Those who had done so, are now dead."

"Doffy," Violet seethed, the name she despised and loathed with every fiber of her being.

You spun one of your daggers, antagonized by the nickname you forbid her to call your husband.

"Be careful, Violet," Doflamingo tutted, chuckling, playing with the ends of your long locks. "She still resents you for having tempted me and coming between us, you silly passionate woman." He laughed. "She's looked the other way the first time you betrayed her. She could have had you strangled in your sleep like I've suggested to ease her of an eyesore, but she didn't have the heart to. Besides, your ability is useful to me."

Violet's legs trembled as she stood, fingers forming the signs to activate her powers.

"Hierro Lagrima!"

Doffy wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close to him as the colossal two tear shaped whales were unleashed on the two of you, a large explosion following as Doffy with his awakened devil fruit abilities stopped them.

He stepped in front of you, an arm signaling you to move back as Violet charged at him once more, but her efforts to put him down were loss as he swatted her like a fly and pressed her face hard on the ground, a scream leaving the woman and the cries of anguish from her young niece mixing with hers.

"Did you think, I'll hesitate just because we spent a decade together as a Family, Violet? Hesitate to kill you?" He raised his hand, fingers twitching and moving with precise motions, the traitor's body floating in the air suspended by the strings the world feared to never get caught up in.

"I don't criticize my associates for their mistakes..."

Violet's eyes looked to you, screaming and begging for mercy but your icy eyes only beheld disappointment and no will to intervene or stop your husband.

"...But I don't condone betrayals."

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