Part 17

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13 years ago

"Law,"  your voice rang out throughout the hall.

Dellinger in your arms kept an eye out for the raven-haired boy who had walked into your lives a week ago.

Stepping out of the door and into the entrance for the base, you found the younger  Donquixote hunched on the railings, eyes gazing down at the scrap metal yard.


The man's head turned towards you, an unlit cigarette between his painted lips and unknown to you was the warm feeling in his chest accompanied by the fast beating of his heart.

"Have you seen Law?" You asked him, baby Dellinger playing with the locks of your hair.

Corazon raised his brow not remembering the boy from White Town's name.

"The boy you threw out of the window this morning." You helped refresh his mind and he shrugged.

"Okay then..." you murmured, turning around to go inside.

"Oh, Rosi..."

Corazon returned his gaze to you, that nickname you still have continued to call him bringing a sort of peace and normalcy to him.

"You and I have to go do an errand later, it's nothing serious. I just need to go into town and fetch something."

You smiled appreciatively at him as he nodded, before disappearing into the building.

Rosinante, well, Corazon, as he was now addressed, has been made to keep watch of you whenever you went out into town. Doffy had become busy as his strings in the black market spread like an epidemic, pulling in many investors, buyers, and several big named people.

Being his younger brother, Doflamingo entrusted you to him to be looked after, Rosinante knowing of the close partnership you two had, didn't question it...well he did. Keeping watch and being your bodyguard meant he got to spend time with you though.

You continued your search for the gloomy raven-haired boy, Dellinger now running in front of you chasing what you believed was a mouse that luckily got away when it retreated into its home in the wall.

"Law," you called out once more.

"Y/N," Doflamingo's voice sounded from behind you.

Dellinger happily ran towards the tall blonde, hugging his leg. You believed  Dellinger saw him as his biological father since they were both blondes.

Doffy paid no mind to the toddler that clung to his calf as he approached you.

"Corazon will go into town with you later, will he not?" He asked, an arm immediately snaking around your waist bringing you close to his side as he made his way to his office.

You nodded. "I was looking for Law first. I wanted to ask if he wanted to come with me."

"That child hasn't been here for more than a week and he already is receiving your undivided attention,"

Dellinger giggled as he found joy in clinging unto Doffy whilst he moved probably making it feel as if he was in an amusement park ride.

"He's not receiving my undivided— are you jealous?" You looked up at him, his everpresent grin still on his face but you saw a hint of jealousy behind them. You scoffed a little. "Doffy, he's a child. So is Dellinger and Baby 5 and Buffalo."
"We are not an orphanage," he countered.

"No, we're not. But we are your family,"

Doffy's eyes shifted down to you, pausing before the door of his office. He brought his big hand to your face, caressing your cheek before briefly placing a kiss on your forehead and picking up Dellinger from his leg, the little two-year-old toddler pouting as he did.

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