chapter 10

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i held luffy in my arms heading to the docks to spend sometime together before going to bed '' are you happy that you saved them lu ''
I ask him while looking in the horizon.
'' mm i'm happy that I helped.but i will not be satisfied until torao bad feelings will be replaced with happy ones '' he says his eyes burning with a fire and power that lift me breathless for a moment.
'' i'm sure that you will do that sunshine but you have to remember that the past will never be forgotten it's what will shape us and make us better it's something that can never be forgotten we may Bury it and force ourselves to forget it but the heart will never forget '' i say looking at the shimmering water .
'' okay papa i will do everything to help my nakama! '' he beamed at me and threw his tiny arms around my neck hugging me and snuggling in my neck .
'' come on luffy you have training to do tomorrow and you need your energy '' i say as i hugged him back standing up heading towards his room it will be only a matter of time before i part with him i won't be couldn't hug him like this , i won't be waking him up anymore, i won't have my sunshine to brighten my day .and i won't be hearing his voice calling me papa constantly, i won't have his warm presence with me to calm my heart .
I hugged him tightly to me as a few tears escaped my eyes '' papa ? Are you okay '' i heard him say sleeply as his words slurred a bit . I took a shuddering breath and hugged him tightly and inhaled his sent it was of sunflower and the smell of the sea .
'' yeah i'm okay lu . You can go to sleep i was just thinking sunshine '' i said as i patted his head '' m'kay gud night papa '' he said slurring slightly.'' good night little hatchling.sweet dreams '' i said as a soft smile graced my face .

' let's make the last months beautiful for both of us '

The next morning:

'' papa ! Papa ! Look we reached the island you talked about come on ! let's explore the mystery island it will be a lot of fun !".the squeaky adorable voice of my little hatchling was the first thing i hear as he jumped on top off me  landing on my chest at 3 am.'' ugh good  morning to you to lu .what are you doing up so early .'' i ask after glancing at the clock .
'' i woke up and couldn't sleep .so i was with mama and then i noticed that we reached the island an_humph ?! Papa ?" He exclaimed as i brought my arm and cuddle him to my chest '' it's to early for this lu sleep than we could go train '' i said silencing him for a bit i thought he was asleep just as i was going back to sleep * monster roaring*  '' papa ...i'm hungry i want meat '' *sigh* '' come on let's get ready and feed the Monster that resid in your stomach . You are so tiny i don't understand your hunger even if you are a D i guess this is one of the mysteries of the world ''
I teased him as i left him in my arms heading to the kitchen.
'' NO I'M NOT CUTE AND TINY I'M A MAN !!'' he shouted puffing his cheeks trying to look intimidating .i suppressed a chuckle as i ruffled his hair '' sure '' i said as a smirk made it way on my face '' papa~!" He whined
As he hit my chest with his fist with no power behind it .


'' torao~'' was the first law heared when he made his way toward the kitchen after being  tackled to the floor with a tiny body warped around him '' ugh what the?! Luffy-ya what the heck  get off me this instent '' law shouted with a big tick Mark .
'' shishishi good morning torao ~ let's go to the island and explore!" Replied luffy not minding at all the elder boy words and his actions as he was trying to kick him off .
'' IT'S TRAFALGAR NOT TORAO YOU DUMBASS?!! IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO SAY ?! AND GET OF ME RIGHT NOW?! 💢" Yelled the spotted hat boy as he struggles to get out of the boys hug .
'' lu let the boy be ,you can explore later me and iva have to go to one of the bases that are near here .can you stay w'ith them for the day corazon-san ' .will be back at the first rays of dawn tomorrow.'''' said dragon as he enter the kitchen lifting luffy by the back of his shirt like a little kitten .
'' papa do you have to go " said the boy an adorable pout as he was put on the floor .
'' sure dragon-san i can take care of the kids it's the least i can do for you '' replied corazon smiling at the revolutionary leader.
'' thank you i really appreciate it.and i'm sorry lu but you know why i can't take you with me .i know your strong but i just can't risk it and this time you won't be alone  '' replied dragon to both of them while croshing down to pet his son's  head.

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