chapter 2

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In an isolated island we can see a wooden cabin in a big clearing near the wasn't big but enough for at least three people.

( Something like this)  And a little baby no older than 8 month was crawling happily after a baby tiger surounded bu flowers and butterflies that seemed to be wanting his attention and releashing in his sunny and cheerful presence

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( Something like this)
  And a little baby no older than 8 month was crawling happily after a baby tiger surounded bu flowers and butterflies that seemed to be wanting his attention and releashing in his sunny and cheerful presence.
Not far off was his father looking after him still amazed at how can his son attract anything living .
He still can remember when he was a busy that day .and somehow his little hatchling found his way near the forest were he met the baby was also the best day in my life .

Flashback a week ago:

Dragon POV:

Iva has sent me the work from the base so i can stay with lu , even if i want to i can't neglect my duties even if i'm away. Iva was setting in my home office with me as we were descusing about the marine next move and who are they after.
We have been working for nearly 3 hours non stop.suddenly i realesed
That it was too quiet,it hasn't been this quiet sence luffy was born ,he was always laughing and babbling adorably next to me and cried rarely only when it was necessary.
" Iva , is luffy asleep right now?" i questioned him calming myself down as not to panic ." Vi don't know .vi saw him playing with his toys in the carpet earlier.why ?" Replied iva ." He's not here . HE'S NOT HERE!?" I screamed as i glanced at the carpet in the room then i caught the glimpse to the door that lead outside near the forest.
I never ran that fast in my life .I could hear my heart thundering in my ears as it was ready to lead out of my chest in fear . As i ran desperately looking around for my little hatchling all i thought was if he was injured or attacked by wild animals or poisonous insect .
Then i heared the squealing of lu ,
Without thinking twice i ran towards the sound, hoping he was  safe .
As i neared i came to halt in front of an extraordinary son was playing with different animal from Deere to tiger bunnies you name it they were encercling him cuddling and nuzzling him. Shaking i neared them the sound of crushing leaves alarmed the animals to run away.
I nearly tripped as i reached for little lu . holding him in my arms as tears of relief made their way . " You're safe ." I said as i nuzzled and storking his silky soft hair .
" Papa ?" I heared a tiny voice saying.shoked i looked at luffy as lump formed im my throat " papa sad ?." He said again with a little tlit of his head and a tiny frown appeared. " Lu ish sad if papa ish sad " he continued as little tears began to form on his big brown eyes.finding my voice a little i replied stuttering a little " n_no papa isn't sad ok papa is very happy is all " i gave him a warm smile." Really?lu wuv papa happy" he said cutely as a sunny smile began to form further melting my heart ." Really ! Papa also love little lu !".i said back to him making him beam At me almost blinding me .then l heared sobbing behind me .i turned around coming face to face with an the okama queen crying dramatically draying his smudged make up."that was the most adorable thing vi have ever heared saw vin my life !" Exclaimed Ivankov making me embarrassed as i have never acted this way in my life .
" Auntie iva !" Came the little squeaky voice  of my little sun , making Ivankov Cry happily taking him from me to spin him around.

End of flashback:

'It was a weird hectic day but  i wouldn't trade it for anything.' i thought fondly and proudly as my son's first words. ' he is very smart for his age but very clueless'. i thought amused by my son's antics as i walked behind his crawling figure stealthy and picked him up high in the air.just to hear his cute squealing and laughing . That makes my day bright.
' It's weird that i can't imagine a life without him in it .i have never been  so attached to someone before it's honestly scary .' i mused to myself.
" Now let's get you bathed then have your meal okay little hatchling?".i said to him as i get a very adorable ' okay!'." And how can you eat so much for a little one like you huh?." I continued with a teasing tone .he glanced up to me with a puffing cheeks and said with a huff " nu lu ish big " .
" Really now!?wow i didn't know !" I said as i continue to tease him the rest of the way.

Time Skip luffy is 2 years old :

" Papa !" Came the tiny voice of my son as he continue to run as much as his chubby legs allowed him towards me ." Yes what is it lu ?" I ask turning away from my paperwork." Come see what i can do !! I have this mystery power in the sea !! It's so cool !!then a big fishs started to play with me !." Interuged
And slyly numb from his explanation as he can't lie to save his life i followed after him as he lead us to the shore .
I saw him enter the sea were it reaches his knees taking a deep breath then raised his arms slightly.
I looked in aw as a wall made of the sea raised forming an aquarium of sort around us letting us see a magnificent sigh

Then came the singing of whales and sea kings as they  encercled us and each one stoping to look at luffy and bow to him as he began laughing heartly

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Then came the singing of whales and sea kings as they  encercled us and each one stoping to look at luffy and bow to him as he began laughing heartly .
" I'm happy to meet you too!" He reply with a big D smile as if he can understand them .
" That's really amazing Luffy " i said shakly and dumbfounded a little.
" It's really wonderful Luffy but let's go home now ok ?" I continue as i hugged him thightly to my heart trying to calm my heart a little.

After we returned home i never left him out of my sight afraid that something will happen to him .
And it continues like that for nearly 2 weeks without letting him near the shore

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