chapter 20

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The party that followed was to the extrem worth for the reputation of the red haired pirates ,and despite being injured luffy didn't stop even a second always bouncing around the room but he clearly stuck close to shanks , benn and makino the most be it by a hug or setting on their laps but he always managed to get at least a tiny bit of physical contact woth the older men and openly cuddled the pretty barmaid and it may or may not sent shanks in a heart attack that left him wheezing to gather himself but who can blame him the scene of sweet pretty makino cuddling with his anchor while they laughed together left him a pile of mush for benn to slap the hell out of it .

Ace and sabo enjoyed the party all bit they kept their distance from the crew but they enjoyed the food that was given and while they had plans that they would wait till the crew was too drunk to notice them but luffy had other plans he was munching on a piece of meat on Shanks lap who was trying to be subtle of having him close but luffy wasn't stupid he could hear the worry and guilt and how his soul voice seemed to reach out to have him close so he complied to his dad's inner voice and stayed close to him and if his dad squeezed a bit tighter then usual you don't hear him complaining.

He swept his gave through the room and it stopped at sabo and ace but it lingered on ace longer and he felt his unrythmic heart beat that always drums the sound of joy and freedom for the first time started to play the sadness,rage and lonelyness that was bleeding from his soul .he found his treasure that his mama cried for the treasure that his uncle roger sold himself to the government to keep safe but be wasn't prepared for the sheer sadness the self hate and anger and the problem that it was dericted to for sabo even though his soul was carrying some sort of sadness and hate it wasn't dericted intairly to himself and it eased something in his chest even if it was small .

Shanks looked at the boy nisstled on his lap who was uncharactcally quiet and the meat be was devouring abondoned on his hand and that sent his worry sky rocketing .

Gently he started to pet his soft hair and called out softly to him careful to not satertel him '' anchor what's wrong ?" .

Luffy turned to face him and shanks was startled by the golden red eyes that was staring at him with heart breaking sadness ,he felt his heart drop at the tears that gathered in his saddened eyes and he swiftly brought him to his chest .

Luffy didn't put up any fight and he buried himself further in his dad comforting embrace that resembles his papa's hugs .

He slowly rised his hand to clutch the fabric over his heart '' dad it's hurt here '' he said voice lacking the usual cheeryfullness .
Somehow shanks managed to not go frenzy with worry and spook warmly '' do you know why it hurts little storm ?did you get hurt and didn't tell us ? '' .

'' no , it's not a wound dad ,ace's ...ace's voice is so sad so tried and filled with so much hate and all of it is dericted at himself.
Dad his hurting too much even though i found the treasure of uncle roger but his mine and i have to heal him .sabo's is also hurt but not like ace .his is so hurt that it makes my Heart hurts ''. The tears that gathered finally spilled as he sobbed quiet on shanks chest who was un unbothered by the tears that was soaking his shirt merely rubbing luffy's back to calm him down and comfort him ,he pushed down that ace is his captain son down to focus on his anchor .

'' sunshine why do you want to heal his soul ? I Know that you care for them but what else ?'' shanks knew that luffy care deeply from his mother and him being captain's son but he felt that something shifted for the reason for his care and it wasn't related to his mother or roger Luffy saw something in him that made him love ace .

'' even though his voice is sad b-but when be carried me to the village it was burning with love a-and the desire to protect even though he didn't know how it was like the flame phoenix mama told ne about! .shishishi! A-and sabo's voice was like the birds like he wants to fly but didn't know how or like he is trapped in a cage but wants to be unleashed free ! '' as he described what he felt on the boys voices the cheer and joy in his voice and the tears lessened and his eyes reverted to thier golden brown color.shanks found it easier to breath now that his anchor wasn't as upset .

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