chapter 9

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Corazon POV:

" L-LAW '' i exclaimed standing up to go after him .i had never seen him act thet way before neither showing so much emotion at once or at all i think the pent up feeling of five years after hi loss and meeting cruel people got him and couldn't handle the kindness that we were shown without them wanting something from us .just as i was going through the door i felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to face dragon-san looking at me shaking his head lightly '' let him sort out his feelings and Luffy already got him .he may not look like it but he is smarter than he let on .and no one can get through a wonded heart better than him '' as he gustere lightly to the two boys i turned to see law hugging him for dear life while the younger one hold him storking his hair like he was a precious treasure.i'm baffled to say the least i have never seen law hug willingly before not counting earlier as he was dazed by the nightmare.
This boy really is special to get law open up ever so slightly.
I turned to face the man and nodded hesitantly at him and returned to the table .


I was still hugging luffy-ya it was comforting like you are in the middle of a medow while Basking in the warm sunlight and the fresh breeze his presence was .... comforting.
It's like healing my soul .
I pulled away reluctantly and embarrassed at the same time '' thank you ...'' for being here was left hanging in the air '' shishishi no problem you are my nakama and i will be there when you need le the most !" He beamed back as i felt aslight smile make it's way on my face . Suddenly he grabbed my hand and started dragging me below the deck '' wait what are you doing ?! '' i snapped at him trying to pull my hand away surpraisinly he was strong despite being tiny '' i will show you something cool !" .he let go of my hand  as we reached   the back of the ship were we could touch the sea then he sat submerging his legs on the water i hesitantly followed his action then he breathed in and exhaled raising his arms slightly and the waves began to  shift and the  water began to glow .


I turned sharply to him then back to the sea my eyes theratening to pop out from my skull .i heared him hum a little and the sea began to raise it was like we are under water and fishes from all size began to swim around us mainly luffy-ya as if to greet him " mama look i made a friend !he is so cool and and super smart and he had this mystery power that we still haven't figured out yet but i bet it will be so cool !? '' he said stars in his eyes literally as he looked on the wall of sea on cue the sea kings and others parted ways and a bright Pure light appeared and for a moment i couldn't breath i could feel the power thrumming in the air like no other before it was out of this world
'' mama i wanted him to meet you !" He said brightly and the pressure vanished and i thought i heard slight giggling and a chimming voice  say '  nice to meeting you Trafalgar D water law . take care of each other '
'' shishishi bye bye mama see you later '' Luffy-ya beamed and the light desapered i was still trying to make sense of what happened and is happening .
Luffy-ya stand up and tugged me along with him and a light green with red eyes sea king made it's way toward us or luffy-ya per say .
I hold him behind me standing over him  protectively as i glared at the sea king while it growls at me baring his teeth menacingly.
At the moment i couldn't bring myself to care for myself all i know is that i have this feeling and nagging in my guts telling me to protect the boy who made my life brighter and gave it meaning again in a spane of a few hours i grew attached to him without even notice it in the first place .
I have a propose in my life again and i will protect it.

I felt a little tug on my pants i glanced down at luffy-ya while still keeping an eye on the oversized fish who may i add was still growling and glaring at me " shishi torao it's alright kuro-kun is a friend i made '' .
I deadpan at him why i'm not surprised by this " hah .and why is your um friend here luffy '' .he stared at me with glittering eyes and smiled '' i wanted to ask him if he could let us ride him !" I froze a little at his words and sweat dropped '' luffy-ya maybe another time ok let's go eat '' and that did the trick to destract him as he put the water in it's original state and raced towards the kitchen chanting ' meat ' as he goes .
I turned and stared at the sea for a bit before following after him '  hmm interesting '

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