chapter 12

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Dragon POV:

I was still trying to wrap my head around what happened.not only they got attacked by those celestial dogs but  luffy also awakened his conqueror haki and  it seems that his will is more bigger than his tiny body and caused him to catch a high fever and exhaustion i don't think he can use it till he was at least six or eight '' mm papa?" the small voice of luffy calling out to me snapped me of my musing .

'' yes sunshine do you feel alright? do you feel any pain?" I ask turning to his bed and storcked his chubby cheeks with my fingers only for him to nuzzle against making me almost awe i said almost i'm dragon the leader of the revaluation army i don't awe ' out Lou or in public '.

'' papa ..are they alright torao and ... cora-san and the white teddy bear.... They aren't hurt '' he struggles through his quickened and short breath.lufgy don't get sick it happens so so rarely but when he does get sick it's horrible .it break my heart seeing my little hatchling like this but i couldn't help the proud feeling i felt in my heart at his selfless nature. i smiled warmely and said '' they are alright little hatchling because you were to protect them and law is cured from his illenss .you did a good job '' .

He smiled so softly and his doe eyes turned to melting brown honey '' i'm glad... That my nakama are safe ..and torao is okay....i missed you papa was so scary i thought i will lose them ..but i remember you and mama telling to never stand down and don't avoid my problems ..'' he rasped out his voice heavy with sleep and i couldn't help the traitorous tear thet slipped  dawn my face . quickly waiping it away before he noticed.
I couldn't help but hope he didn't have to inherit my mind and he didn't have to grow up so fast .he may be dense at times but he know what would happen to him if the government found out he was my son .
" It's alright lu you did good on protecting them .now rest up so you can play with your nakama again okay ?" I said softly petting his hair.
"m'kay g'night papa " he slurred as he scumbed to sleep a kissed his forehead muttering a soft good night before heading towards the kitchen cabin  .
Corazon and iva were descusing about law to help his now ill free body adjust.
" Good morning iva and corazon.i hope you had a peaceful night " i greet them pulling a chair to sit with a steaming mug of the juice off life accompanied by my morning does of paperwork.
' Ah..what a great way to start the morning '  i thought while glaring venomously at the devil incrnate  .

" Dragon-boy are vyou okay? Vyou are glaring at those papers like they are your worst enemies ?" I was startled from my internal cursing by Ivankov. I turned toward them to see corazon and iva with amused expression on their face .

" Ahem ! So corazon we will be interning the meeting location  in a week what are you planning to do   " i ask the tall man in front of me observing his tattooed face as he was having an inner battle with himself .
" I think it's best if me and law go in hiding away from the government and my doflamingo radar .but it's the first time since i met law that i saw him so carefree and acting as his age ,and it's all thanks to you especially to Luffy and i don't want them to part ways ".he said as a solemn expression graced his face .

I know from where his coming from as luffy has always stayed near me and iva and took great precaution when we go to restock and explore especially after the last incident with the marines .it ...was refreshing as i know even if i'm here with him he is still lonely and is it selfish of me say that it hurts a bit when want to be with other people other than me *sigh* .

"  I know but luffy wont stay with me here and it pain me everytime i think of it . And i have a feeling that he knows about it  somehow as he tries to stay and spend time with me as long as possible .
But after an accident that happened with the marines nearly descovered his existence and i can't risk it anymore then i had " i told him  bringing my hand to my eyes trying to hide the pain . composing my self i looked at corazon who was looking at me in Sampathy and understanding.

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