chapter 18

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With law on tequila wolf:

Law was training with bepo sachi and penguin,when he suddenly stopped on his track . As a sudden feeling of dull anger washed iver him .
" Law are you okay ?" Corazon questioned him concern clear in his amber eyes.

Law took a moment to compose himself then replying." Yeah I'm fine cora-san. Don't worry."

No more then five minutes he felt it ,a dull wave of intense pain cursing through him , he gasped kneeling on the snow,he clutched the charm with shaking hands . He closed his eyes ,focusing on the  bond .a vision flashed in his mind  a big bulky man was dragging a knife underneath his eye glaring at him with craziness and anger .

He heaved,  vision blurry as another wave washed over him .he could make out the anger ,the pain but he could also sense the reassurance and comfort trying to ease his worry and panick ,it was like luffy was telling him that everything  will be okay . releasing a shaky breath , he tried his best to send out comfort and ease his pain at least a bit .

He could hear the distant shouts and he felt strong warm arms surrounding him before Darkness consumed his vision.
'' lu.....'' was the last thing he said before curling up in a ball still clutching the charm for dear life .

' Luffy-ya please don't leave me too '

On dawn island:

Ace and sabo  ran like hellhounds were after them with ace being careful to not agravate his injuries even more , they couldn't help the guilt that polled in their stomach .

They took notice of how the weather changed a big storm was brewing unlike anything they have seen before.

Sabo glanced at ace he had never seen him express his emotion openly and especially not affectionate one .
' luffy really changed him and the had barley met.he really is doing him good ' sabo mused to himself keep an eye on his surrounding.

Ace mind was spiralling he had never met someone who knew who his sperm donor was and had wanted him to live the bandit inly kept him because they were afraid of the shitty gramps and sabo earned his trust after spending 5 years with him .

But luffy wanted him to live he said it was okay too do so ,and he accepted him as himself as ace and not the pirate king's son .he glanced down at the boy who was clinging to  consciousness like leach  in his arms his once creamy skin pale ,his cheeks lost it rosy color probably due to the blood loss .and he was small compared to others his age but now he looked tiny in his arms .

'  what's this ?, why i'm so worried about him? ,i have never acted this way even to sabo and i have Known him for years ! Ugh ?! All this thinking is hurting my head ! That's why sabo is always the brain of the situation '.

Shaking his head he refocused on the task at hand ,he glanced back to make sure that sabo was alright,when he caught his eye he gave him a nod in reassurance,he nodded back they were both banged up but they will live .

When the two boys saw that they were nearing the village luffy told them about,they ran until their legs are trembling from the strain of fighting and running without stopping, their lungs burned as they took small and rapid in takes of air .

They come to a stop when they saw a small crowd blocking the way to the village interance.

'' well well look what do we have here ! Isn't it the brat that dared to humiliate us infront of the cowardly pirates?!" The bandit higuma said stepping forward making the boys take a step back stance rigid and one wrong move will make them spring into action.

the return of The Sun GodOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz