chapter 8

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Corazon POV:

I groaned as l heared a lot if shuffling and muffled sobs .wait ...sobs !? And the realization hit me as i sprung on the med bed the memories of last night replaying as i made my way to law .
I saw him curled up with tears silently made their way as he started to breath heavily, just as i was going to bring him out of the nightmare. The door opens and the adorable boy from yesterday entered going straight to law's bed and climbing up ,and to my surprise he brought him to his chest hugging him as he storks his hair and begin to wishper comforting words and rocking them as he began singing a song softly .

Lay down your head and i'll sing you a lullaby~
Back to the years of luly laly .~
And i'll sing you to sleep and i'll sing you tomorrow.'
Bless you with love for they that you go .~
May you sail far to the far fields of fortune.~
Of daimons and pearls at your hand and your feet.'
And my you need never to banish misfortune.~
May you find kindness in all that you meet~
Third POV:

By the time luffy stoped singing and continue to hum the song .Corazon was dazed by Luffy's voice as it was like chiming bells .it was soft and put you at ease .

" Umm who are you ?" Stated the now awake law still dazed from the sleepiness and Luffy's voice .
" Me ? I'm monkey D Luffy shishishi !".

Law's POV :

Memory :

I was with lami telling her a story before putting her to sleep .
Just as tucked her to bed i heared a gun shots sound in the house , i helped lami hide in the closest as i checked our parents room only to find them laying in a pool of they're own blood with two people clad in dark clothing and masks . They hadn't noticed me yet and quickly i checked on lami making sure she was safe ., And made my way outside  to get only to be met with blazing fire and the sounds of explosion and gun shots .
I turned toward the orphanage to my luck i found the nun and a group of other kids " law! Thank god your alive !"   Mari-san said  relief in her voice as she hugged me ." Mari-san what's going on!?why are they killing us !?" I said as tears started to build up ." Oh law they ...are the governments soldier and they're doing what we call a buster call it's an order from the authorities.they are doing this because of the illness they think it's infectious.and where is lami-chan " she said as wiped  my tears away " i hid her in the house after i found our parents killed .i will come get her " just as finished my sentence a huge explosion sounded near by. i turned to see it was in our house derection " LAMIII ?!" I screamed as i satrted running "NO !LAW! COME HERE ! WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW!?" I ignored it as i made my way towards my home my heart thundering in my ears i came to a stop to stare at the burning house the image of me hiding lami in the closest flashed in my head  " Ah AAAAH  LAMI ?! It's my fault!! " I exclaimed as tears started flowing down my face .
Then suddenly everything went black and  i heared the sound of laughter that sent a shiver down my spine .i slowly raised my head to be met with doflamingo looking down at me ." You though that you can escape me law fufufufu , you are so naive to believe that .after all this your fault fufufufu ~.don't you agree with me guys ~".
All of sudden i could see cora-san and my parents and lami with desgust and sneers on their face looking down at me ." Why didn't you save us ? You could have warned us or you could have taken lami with you but no you choose yourself! We didn't raise you to be this selfish! I can't believe we used to see you as our son " .
" Law-ni you left me alone there for me to be killed... Didn't you love me ? You lied to me ! You left me alone !!.
" No i-i didn't i t-tough you a-all d-died." I stuttered as i shakely brought my hands to my ears " s-sorry i'm sorry." I apologized as sobs racked my body .
" Fufufufu ~ you are a selfish boy law~ "
And suddenly i felt warmth enveloping me like a blanket then a soft calming voice started singing. I felt all my burdens left and my heart felt free gor the first time in years.

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