Chapter Twelve

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I GROANED WHEN WATER SPLASHED ON me for the third time

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I GROANED WHEN WATER SPLASHED ON me for the third time. At least it wasn't cold like yesterday. It wasn't hot either and still caused me to shudder. My head hurt from the force of the water hitting my face. "It's not how you waterboard people." I groaned. "Fuck, just kill me already." My toes lifted off the floor, and a cry left my lips. "I wouldn't mind being buried with my shoulders intact." Another bucket of water forced me back, and an angry scream fled my lips. "I'm up!"

"Shut the fuck up. You talk too much." Pardon me for not having a friend to talk to twenty-four-seven. Even Archie wasn't there all the time. We only spent lunch in the garden, and we'd piss each other off at night when he didn't let me leave my bedroom. My eavesdropping days were over with him on standby. I thought of saying it but refrained. I didn't want my neck to break because of some water. Imagine having these words engraved on your tombstone if this brute let me have one.

"You won't chop me up, would you?" I winced from the sting in my shoulders or because I spoke after he told me to shut up in the most aloof way. I think it was both. Or was it because he would consider it?

My head flung back, and water entered my mouth. I choked on a cry because that hurt. Why was he making everything difficult? Did he want money from my family? He could have asked if he was hungry or going bankrupt. I don't know who this man was or why he had me, but I'm sure it was to kill me. I'm not worth anything. No one even knew who I was until yesterday. Who was this man anyways?

"So many fucking questions." He growled, causing an unnecessary shiver down my spine. Yes, I had so many questions. I'm sure he would have them too. Especially why wasn't I dead yet?

I bit back my words and slowly opened my eyes, blinking to get the water out of my lashes. This man wore cargo pants again and the same T-shirt. "Did you not shower?" I scolded myself as my thoughts voiced themselves. He hunched over and raised a bucket of water again. My eyes widened. "I'm sorry." I have lost my mind. "That's going to hurt my neck. Don't-" My words caught on a choke as the water slid down my throat in large amounts. I took a deep breath and then cried when my lungs got satisfied. "Just kill me already," I begged on another breath.

"Why?" He asked with no emotion in his voice. I think he is apathetic. "Don't let me reach for another bucket." Did I say that out loud again?

"Because you'll do it anyway. I'm not another man, and there isn't a need to torture me. As I said, I want to be b-" I stilled my neck for the following impact of water. He sent the water more forcefully as if he knew my next move.

I swang back, my feet leaving the floor and the pull stronger in my left shoulder. I think it dislocated. It pulsed with a burn, and I silently cried, trying to balance myself on my toes again.

"Why should I kill you?" I didn't speak because the next bucket of water would knock me out or dislocate the other shoulder. I couldn't bear such pain when I knew it would be the latter. "You will answer me!" I shook out of fear and bit my trembling lip to block out my painful cries. "We'll have to get it out of you another way." I heard the flick of a knife and raised my head instantly.

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