Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"I'M LEAVING NOW," ADRIK KISSED ME like he couldn't get enough

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"I'M LEAVING NOW," ADRIK KISSED ME like he couldn't get enough. He smelled like my man, and that suit always did something to me.

"Is everything alright? You look tense and distant." Yes, I could say it because we've been communicating, and he has been coming home to me for the past three weeks. It was three weeks of happiness and days filled with pleasure.

"Problems at work, Tsvetochek," I rolled my eyes because he wouldn't stop calling me that. He claimed my lips again, and I chuckled.

"Take me with you then." He smiles and pulls away.

"You would make it difficult for me to concentrate. Although I'd love having you sprawled on my desk as I have my breakfast."

I rolled my eyes and patted his chest. "You'll survive until tonight. Plus, you had your fill all night long." He'd made love to me for hours after dinner and in the moonlight. It was romantic, and I came so hard and told him I loved him over again. I'm still waiting for him to say it. I swear he'd say it after whispering poetry to me, but those three words never left his lips. I would take the sweet nothings for now.

"I'm taking you out to dinner tonight. Wear the white outfit in the closet and the white pumps." He took the smoothie I packed for him and the leftover lunch.

"All white? How would you want my hair too, Sir?" He growled and kissed me again.

"A bun is fine."

"I shouldn't drop it tonight?" My eyebrows hit the ceiling because he always loved and asked me to let my hair down.

"Not tonight, Malyshka," He kissed me for the final time before I escorted him to the elevator. "Be ready at seven."

"Yes, I know." It wasn't the first time he'd taken me out to dinner. We'd wine and dined all over Moscow in the past week. "Be safe, Malysh." His eyes met mine, and we stared at each other before the doors shut.

We always did.

I grinned in the mirror and twirled on my heels. The dress was a beautiful turtleneck and hugged my hips and torso perfectly. My shoes weren't more than three inches tall, and my earrings brushed my shoulders.

Adrik always picked the best outfits for me and matched his dress shirt to the colour of my dress. I couldn't wait to see him in his suit. Maybe I'd convince him to take me to the restaurant's bathroom like he did once.

That time he'd make me wear a black dress and clear heels with no underwear. He'd blocked my mouth because I couldn't keep my moans to myself. The thing is, he just knew where and how to unravel me.

Then came the information I wanted; Vittoria Rodriguez lives in Mexico with my sister, Victoria Castillo and her new husband. Vittoria changed her name to Alicia Rodriguez after what happened to me. Now she is Mrs Alicia Castillo.

The next step was to visit my mother, and that would be it. I don't think my father deserves to know me if he abandoned her when she was pregnant.

God, how would they feel when I appeared on their doorstep? Even I trembled with fear of the outcome.

I stepped out of the room and eyed the clock on the table. It was six fifty-eight. Adrik is always on time. Just two minutes and he would be here.

Two minutes turned into four to seven, then ten minutes past the hour. I furrowed my brows with the many possibilities swimming in my head. Let's just say they were not good thoughts.

The elevator chimed, and I sighed with relief. Maybe something came up at work, or he got stuck in traffic. Even that was rare.

"I thought you'd stood me up," I grabbed my purse and entered the foyer.

My smile dropped when a man covered in black from head to toe strode to me. "Who are you?" My eyes widened, and I almost tripped over my heels from backing away.

My entire body became alert and filled with fear. "Oh, God." I turned around and lunged down the hallway to my bedroom.

I couldn't scream because no one would hear me. I looked at the cameras with teary eyes, begging him to come. They must have gotten him. "Adrik," I cried, falling to my knees-those stupid fucking heels.

"You'll regret this," I didn't turn to the man as I shook from painfully crying. It was useless. He doesn't seem to care that Adrik would come after him.

I remembered a dresser to the door didn't work the first time, so a door between us wouldn't save me either.

I felt the needle pierce my arm, and I relived the night of October again. The only differences were the man taking me, the sting of the shot to my arm and the terrible dread of leaving this place.

This time, I blacked out with fear of not knowing where this man was taking me and with the name of the man I love on my lips.

Who is cutting onions?? I cried writing this. I'm still crying re-reading such masterpiece.

Where is Adrik?????????? Any thoughts?

"Maybe it's not about the happy ending, maybe it's about the story." 😭😭

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