Chapter Eighteen

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AFTER I SHOWED MIKHAIL TO THE room near the back, I returned to find Boris

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AFTER I SHOWED MIKHAIL TO THE room near the back, I returned to find Boris. He was standing in a corner in a guarding position, and I sighed. "Boris." I made a come hither motion with my fingers.

"Yes, Boss?" He rushed to me.

"How's the wife and the baby?" A smile lit his lips.

"Oh, they're alright, Boss. The baby girl is very active. Keeps my wife awake at night." I needed to change his schedule. Oh, for fuck's sake, if he were fifty years old, I'd send him away on a vacation of his choosing.

"Send my greetings. How would you like to work mornings to afternoons?" His eyes widened. I grunted because I'd never done anything like this. A straight yes or no would do me good right now.

He saw the turmoil on my face and snapped out of his shock. "Are you sure, Boss? I'd like that, but-"

"You start today. I'm not leaving the club soon, so you should find yourself home."

"Anything else you'd like before I leave?" I saw the hint of a smile on his face.

"Yes, get me pants and a shirt in size medium. I need it as soon as possible, and down in Krov' I Kulaki is a dead body. Deal with it." He nodded his head. "You may leave."

I started to walk away when I heard a Divine somewhere in the VIP area. "You'd better find yourself useful and get lunch." Sweet. "And turn that fucking game off!"

"Skopiruy eto." He called out from the lounge he was lying on. "Chinese, Italian, or that American fast food place down the street?" Delicious! I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Translation: Copy that.

"Two Italian takeaways and one Chinese. Now get the fuck out."

Sugar Crush!

Sasha stood and tucked his phone in his jeans pocket. "Who was that girl?"

"None of your business." I started away from him. Knowing Sasha, he'd try to find Victoria hence why I was taking Giulia to dinner with me on Sunday. Fuck, I didn't know if she'd like that or how she would react. I just needed her to trust me, and all would be well.

He grunted, "I'll be back in an hour." He walked away from me, and I entered the checkup room. Mikhail sat on the bed with the bedspread around his waist. His swollen, bruised face lifted to look at me. I shook my head when I saw his swollen purple eye and busted lip. "Your clothes will arrive soon."

"Thank you."

"And you will have food. If it can pass your busted lip." He lowered his head in embarrassment. "Then, I'll take you to your new home tonight. You'll have enough time to rest. If you can."

"I cannot thank you enough."

"You can when I reason with you tomorrow morning before a doctor examines you." I started for the door.

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