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"Don't call me princess, I am a Queen"


(Please tisten to 'Fantasize' by Ariana Grande)

Y/n's POV

I haven't unfold any of the boxes, I don't have the courage to, I feel exhausted of everything, my heart is confused, I don't know how I must feel, it's almost the time for Tae to come pick me up and I haven't even seen a single dress.... I feel blue...

I heard a hard knock on the door.

-"who could it be?"

I opened it and all I saw was a familiar back facing me.

-"Let's go princess, your King is.... WHAT THE HELL?!! You arent ready yet?!!! "

Tae said dramatically while turning around slowly to finally face me.

-"I am not going"

I was about to close the door but he is stronger after all, he managed to get in my house.

-"What?!! Even if I have to take you over my shoulders, You will go with me"

-"I am not going anywhere, I am not a piece of dress Tae I get feelings, do you all think you can toss me as rotten meat and then pick me up and say everything is ok?"

Yeah I still get my little ego.

-"Yes, Y/n look at me, Jungkook will explain everything trust me, we don't have the time for that now, we'll get you ready first"

We? He clapped his hands and an elegant woman got in my house with beautiful bags, she placed them all over my table and made me sit down.

-"What is this?"

I asked.

-"I knew you wouldn't know what to do so I brought a specialist, she will transform that in art"

He said pointing at me. I saw the girl taking out expensive perfumes makeup and lots of products.

-"I will be waiting outside"

After her hard job was done I looked myself at the mirror and couldn't believe my eyes, I was different... I look... I look....

-"You look beautiful, now the dress and accessories"

She unpacked the dresses and they were gorgeous.

-"I like that one, the green one"

-"Too nasty"

The woman said.

-"then the pink one"

-"Too childish, shut up and observe, I will pick the right one for you"

I saw her looking for something, does she already know what I am wearing tonight?

This one...


-"Perfect... You look brilliant, you will be the most beautiful lady in the ball"

I saw the woman wipe her tears while appreciating the results. I was struggling a bit to maintain the balance with these high heels.

-"Look at me darling, always remember this, never let anyone crush your dreams, it's not what they see but the person that's behind all these makeup and luxury, what matters is what's inside you, ok? You are already precious, you don't need all these to be special, now keep your chin up and go seek for your happiness"

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