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Author's POV

Tae is trying so hard to come up with a plan, he doesn't know how to convince the King.

-"Did you fill the documents I gave you yesterday

Jungkook is in his office as usual.

Tae forgot about the documents so he has to give a phony reply.

-"Yeah..... Jungkook talking about yesterday, There are some things going on the village, what will you do? "

Smooth like butter. "-"

Jungkook gave him no answer, he doesn't want to show how worried and flustered he is, he couldn't sleep last night, the village being against him isn't a good thing, people are demanding an explanation, they don't trust their King's word anymore, half of the village is against him, but there are still a few people that do trust him.

-"Jungkook,..... What if we give someone a chance to help us"

Jungkook forrowed his eyebrows.

-"What are you talking about? "

-"They don't trust you anymore, let's try a second plan, we need someone that's with you all the time, someone that knows you better than anybody else, someone that everyone knows"

Since the day Woon climbed that tall pole, he gained a bit of popularity among the kingdoms, people respect him a lot. And the King knows that.

Jungkook looks deep in thought, all the things Tae said only pointed at one person.

-"We don't need him, I have a meeting in the big saloon in some minutes, there are gonna be important councils there, wanna see you there"

Hard nut to crack.


-"No way!! It's just impossible!! "

Tae is remorseful, Nobody can make the King realize the situation.

-"Tae, I don't like this clothes, it's a bit bigger than Woon's "

Tae gave Y/n a new disguise, she is Woon after all 😉.

-"That mustache suits you, wear the disguise and don't complain"

She is in that room waiting for things to settle, anytime the king will have to give in.

-"I will be back in some hours, there is an important meeting in the big saloon, remember to stay here"

Tae said and left her there.

-"What now? Will Jungkook be able to do it by his own? "


-"I am not negotiating with this man, his kingdom is going down, this place is a mess, he can't even control his issues"

Everyone was discussing royal affairs, Jungkook's situation has gone out of his hands, eventually some councils are afraid to set alliance with him, they think he won't be suitable for the business.

-"But, I think he can do it, he is ready for it, I want to work with him"

I forgot to say that there are some men that don't mind his personal issues, they just want to negotiate with him, but the councils are a group, if one of them negotiates then the rest do it. Alive and kicking, this situation sucks.

Everyone was having an argument, but there was a little infiltrate among them, someone that they didn't notice, that was unnoticed, anyone could notice that person, they are too concentrated on the problem right now.

Fixing you ❤ [Jungkook x Reader] Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin