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“I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.”


(Please listen to 'falling' cover by Jungkook)

Hoola's POV

-"I will be back, in some minutes"

I told my mom who was cooking for tonight guest, I feel a bit mixed up, I promised Jimin I would give him an answer today, but I am not even sure of the decision I am taking. It's not a big issue though but... still...

I am taking a basket of fruits to the lake, I am giving it to the rabbits around there, I need to hurry up, Jimin could show up at any moment. As I was walking I felt the crashing sound of the leaves behind me. I didn't dare look, it could be anyone, it's already getting dark but there is nothing to worry about, our village is a safe place.

I rushed my pace cause I felt that person closer to me, I am a bit worried now.I heard a laughter coming from the stranger hence I decided to run, I don't like it when someone intimidates me. The footsteps behind me were intensified, I tried to take another path but I fell to the ground and the fruits fell along with me, that was when the footsteps stopped, I didn't hear anything anymore. I got up a bit scared and started walking again but...

-"Don't scream"

A greasy hand cover my mouth, the same fragrance hit my nostrils, an alluring sense, the one that can't let me sleep.

-"I am here with you, don't be afraid"

His hand was sweating, is he nervous?

-"I will uncover your mouth, but you can't say a thing, when I do so you have to run with me, understood? "

I nodded as a fool. He did as told and held my hand softly.


I placed my hand on my chest and try to catch some air.

-"Why were we running? "

I asked him being concerned of the previous events. He looked at my eyes with his luscious ones.

-"Cause people say 'faint heart never won fair lady' therefore, I needed to agitate our hearts to make them stronger"

Is he for real?

-"What?!!!! Are you stupid!!!? I thought I was gonna be raped and harassed and you are just here making fun of me!!!"

I hit his arm and he complained for the pain.

-"See, I made you get stronger"

He went on with his stupid sayings. He took my hands, tossed me against a tree and pulled his body over mine putting us pretty closed to on another's breath.

-"What if I really saved you from a bad man? "

He said smiling awe-inspiringly at me.

-"Don't touch me, I am mad at you"

He let go of me.

-"Let's go to your house eat something, I am hungry"

What? Why is he acting with so much confidence.

-"You are not going anywhere with me, and who says you are welcome in my house? I have to go now, I am busy"

I was gonna make my way in the woods but the dark sky reminded me of his words earlier, he really saved me? I can't go on my own... What if...

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