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"I'm much more 'me' when I'm with you"


Y/n's POV

(Listen to 'the way' by Ariana Grande)

I got up and did my morning routine, today I am happy as a fool. Butterflies flutter in my stomach every time I remember what he said last night.

He is an idiot, but one who makes me go crazy.

Yesterday he was sweet and said things that made me realize how much I am stuck on him.

-"Hey, glibing as always sleeping beauty"

Not even Tae's jokes can spoil my day.

-"Tae, have a beautiful day"

I went to the kitchen and prepare his breakfast.

-"Good morning Mr cook"

Mr Lee is not here today, what a pity.

-"Good morning Y/n, you look in good mood today "

-"Yes Mr cook, opportunities in life are only once we must enjoy them"

-"What are you making for breakfast? "

He asked me.

-"Pancakes and banana milk'

-"Good morning, is Mr Woon here? "

A guard asked for me.

-"It's me, what happened? "

-"Someone left a letter for you , the owner left it in the staircase "

A letter? Who could have sent it?

-"Are you sure it's for me? "

-"Yes sir, here says your name"

I took the letter and kept it in my pocket.


The guard bowed at me and left the kitchen.


I was happy in the dinning room waiting for Jungkook, I am dying to see his smile, he must be as happy as I am.

I organized the table amd felt the door being opened.

-"Good morning my ki... Jimin"

-"Good morning Woon, the King asked me to tell you that he can't come to have breakfast today "

-"But where is he? "

-"He had to go out for an urgent reason we don't know"

-"Ok Jimin, thank you for telling me"

Jimin was about to get out of the dinning room but I stopped him.

-"Jimin wait, have you eaten yet? "


I am prowling in the castle, this place is quiet today, I decided to visit Tae's rehearsal since I am bored.

-"Y/n, what brings you here? I thought you were with the King "

-"No, he is busy, he had an urgency "

-"An urgency? And he didn't call me? He never goes anywhere without me or Woon, what could have happened? "

-"I don't know Tae, if you want ask Jimin, he was the one who told me about it"

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