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Author's POV
The following morning

"What do I have to do now? I remember that my brother would always go to him early in the morning but I am not sure?" She thought.

-"Hey Woon Let's go eat breakfast together " Tae grabbed a hand around her shoulder and walked to the kitchen.

-"And.... He is still sleeping, isn't he? " y/n asked Tae trying to get some information from him.

-"You kidding me? Sleeping? He must be sweating right now, I should start exercising in the morning as well "

-"Mr Woon Which breakfast should we prepare today?, He's been going on a diet these days but yesterday you didn't tell us about today's fruit for breakfast "
The cook asked her.

-"I... "

-"He likes banana a lot, a banana juice would do him well " Tae answered rapidly.

Taehyung spent the whole day looking at his friend's wierd actions, "What's going on with him? " but his curiosity grew even bigger when he looked directly at Woon's eyes, there was something that made these twins special and different, and it was their eyes.

When Woon went back to his dormitory at night, Tae took the chance, he gripped Woon's hand and threw him to the wall making him face him.

-"Who are you?!! " He asked furiously.

-"Wh.. What do you mean? " Y/n stuttered

-"are you deaf? I said who are you? What did you do to Woon?! " Tae almost screamed.

-"just calm down, you are hurting my arm"

-"Nobody's gonna calm down, tell me who you are " He was fuming her with his eyes.

-"Ok I'll tell you, but please give me some space " Tae took a step back

-"And promise me you'll listen till the end " he didn't say a word, he was just looking at her eyes.

She told him everything, he was trying to process all the information.

-"Wait wait, but I still can't understand something, if his little brother is there taking care of him, who are you? "

-"I am his sister "

He opened his eyes surprised.

-"No way, you.. You.. You" She put a hand on his mouth.

-"Please don't say it, someone could hear you, yeah I broke the rules, I am a woman "

-"You traitor!!! You know what could happen to you, don't you!!! Everyone should know this, you will die!!!" He took her hand off his mouth and screamed.

-" GO AND SAY IT TO EVERYONE I DON'T CARE ANYMORE, THIS LIFE SUCKS, EVERYTHING SUCKS, MY FAMILY WILL DIE, JUST GO, GO AND TELL EVERYONE " This time y/n lost her temper, she didn't care anymore, Tae seemed to relax a bit, he softened his face, he felt pity for her.

-"Hey hey, ok don't scream,.... Don't worry, I won't tell anyone,... Even if you are a traitor, you are my best friend's sister and.... a woman.. I could never let a woman die, not because of me " y/n's eyes were filled with tears now, she felt relieve but there was still a pain invading her chest.

-"Thank you " she said with her natural voice, it caught Tae by surprise.

-"Your voice it's so sweet, what's your name? "

-"Lee Y/n " there was a moment of silence and then Tae broke the ice

-"Well, since You are my best friend's sister I will help you, first of all You almost screwed up this morning, I could notice that you know nothing about our King, well let me tell you that Woon knew everything about him, He was the one who would make sure his meals were always ready, our King goes to exercise every morning, you have to prepare his breakfast and suit before he comes, then verify his schedule, his office has to be ready for every meeting, he always goes to bed after painting a bit "

-"Painting? He likes painting? " Y/n interrupted him

-"Yeah, I have to say he is a crack, he is such an artist, but don't mess around when you are with him, your job is to remind him of his schedule and don't talk while you aren't asked to, get it? "

-"Yep, but I have a doubt, how did you find out about me? "

-"I am always with Woon, I know everything about him, he is so sure of himself while you keep being so insecure, I could notice that the clothes looks a bit bigger on you, and plus your eyes and the way you stare at people is different "

-"Woah you are so observant!, but if the King discovers me... "

-"Don't worry, he is a busy man, he don't like staring at people, he says it is too cringe and embarrassing, but there is something that he is good at "

-"What is it? " she was curious

-"Never get close to him or touch his hands, his skin is so sensitive that he could notice how fragile your hands are"

-"How you know about my hands? "

-"You touched my mouth earlier, it's obvious you are a skin cream lover, so I advice you to not use your creams for a while " He leaned his face to the side looking at her mustache.

-"What is it? It looks weird, doesn't it? "

-"I am a bit skeptical about that hair, that small beard is funny and that's the biggest mustache I have ever seen , why so big? "

-"Cause I needed to cover some features of my face and to make it look bigger as well "

-"Can I ask you a favor? " Tae said

-"Of course you can, ask anything "

-"Could you take off the mustache and the beard, I want to know your real face, I am curious "

-"Oh, ok I will do it " she slowly took them off, she saw him smirking while looking at her.

-"What happens? " She asked him

-"Nothing, it's just that I never thought there was going to be a woman in this castle again, there's just a bunch of guys here"

-"I see " She smiled at him

-"Don't smile while you are out of this room, Woon is a serious and respectful man, and last but not least, don't go to the King's room after 7:00 PM, not even disturb him or talk to him at that time even if you see him walking in the castle"

-"Why? "

-"It's a rule, don't break it "

-"Can I know the King's name?, people don't talk too much about him in the village "

-"Of course his name is

Jeon Jungkook"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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