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"You don't just cross my mind. You live in it. You fuel it. You give it strength. It's because of you that I live, that I try, that I think. Without you, my life means nothing"


Author's POV

Hoona was peacefully picking some flowers, her hair was tied up in an updo with a cute pink bobbin. Her sweet fragance hit the boy behind her, he didn't know how much enchant he felt while looking at her, those emotions were growing deeper every second, the need to see her every day was outstanding.

He wishes he had the courage to go talk to her every time he feels like it, but things don't work like that, she demands so much space between them that he is afraid he wouldn't be able to give it to her when they are together, a simple game was getting out of control, he never thought his heart was gonna get involved.


-"She should be near the garden with her flowers, she is always there at this time"

The guy was expecting to meet her there, her mom told him he could see her there at that hour, the boy was feeling successful, he was surely gonna win this deal, he feels victorious already. He doesn't like her, he just wants to demonstrate that dumb who he is.

His smile was fading as he got closer to his destination, the sight of a masculine figure standing near the place got him curious and worried, the guy was hid behind a bunch looking at the beautiful lady with alluring eyes, as if he were admiring a treasure, but what impressed him the most was the familiar face of the guy, so familiar that he felt anxious.

-"W-what a-are you doing here? Don't tell me you... "

He whispered scared of his possible answer. When the other boy turned around and saw him, his eyes wanted to come out his face.

-"J-jimin?!!... "

-"shut up, you come with me"

The guy dragged the boy away from the lady.

-"What the hell are you doing?! "

Jimin asked Tae furiously.

-"I am the one who should be asking that? "

Tae asked demanding an answer.

-"I... I.. was just passing by... What about you?!!"

Jimin said nervously.

-"Me?.. I... I.. I was just... I was doing some business, nothing important"

They both kept silence for a while looking everywhere but their faces, till both guys realized what was going on there and opened their mouths in unison to f*ck the hell out of them.

-"You want her!! "

They screamed at the same time pointing at each other's bodies.

-"You bastard!! "

Jimin offended Tae.

-"That's why you needed me to sub for you the other day"

Tae kept silence, he wasn't liking the situation, not a single bit.

Jimin was laughing out loud.

-"Ahah, this is incredible, now we both want the same girl, I must say this game is getting interesting, let's play it cool but we have to be honest, I think she kinda likes me, are you ready to lose?"

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