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Author's POV

-"Mr Lee, I have to prepare our King's food, but I have to buy some things first"

Y/n is persistent, she never gives up, even if he treats her really bad, she wants to...... In fact what does she want?.

She went to buy some things to the village, when she got back to the castle, someone was observing her steps.

-"I really know that face, I have seen it before, I mean that's Woon, our King's assistant but, that feels looks so familiar, like I have talked to a person like him"

The young guy wanted to get closer to 'Woon', he needs to make sure if Woon is related to a person he has met.

Y/n was about to turned right when someone bumped into her.

-"Oh!! I am so sorry Mr Woon"

He faked an apology.

-"Oh no no it's ok I... "

She stopped when she lifted her face and saw him, she froze in her spot.

-"Are you sure you are ok? "

-"Eh.... Yes... I need to go now"

She kicked out of that hall and went directly to the kitchen.


-"What do you want I am busy"

Jungkook said cleaning his sword.

-"your lunch is ready" Y/n is brave.

-"I am not hungry"

She sighed and took a deep breath.

-"My King you have to eat, you didn't eat breakfast today either"

-"Shut up, You have said enough, I am tired of hearing you talk"

His behavior is pissing her off.

-"Why you have to be that cursed? You need to eat healthy!! Don't be gross!! "

Did she just shout at him and said those words?.

-"If you talk to me that way again you will spend the night hugging a tree, get out of sight!! "

She got out of there screamed discontent, dissatisfied, disappointed.

-"Ahh!! He is insane and mean and extremely hella, and wicked and and... "

-"Arrogant?.... Desperately exhausting? "

A familiar voice said.

-"Jiminah? What are you doing there?"

Jimin was working on a project.

-"I am gonna have this place changed a bit, different over there, and you know, that staff"

New color, why?

-"Which color? " Y/n asked him.

-"The King asked me to do it that way, I don't know why but he wants dark brown and grey as the ash of an ember"

-"Mr Woon the King says you must be in the meeting room, there will be an important assembly in 20 minutes"

Meanwhile in another planet (joking)

-"Take this, make sure is shiny for tomorrow "

Jungkook gave his sowrd to a servant.

He was thirsty, the nearest place was the dinning room.

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