"Just like me? Shut up btec Harvey Dent!" Katsuki snapped, infuriating Shouto.

"You wanna fight right now you yellow fuzzball?!" Shouto retaliated, forcing their teacher to activate his quirk.

"Stop it." He demanded, freezing both boys in place. "Now go get your luggage out of the bus. Once you've done that, drop your things off in your rooms and then come eat your dinner in the mess hall. After that, you'll shower and then sleep." He explained, turning around to walk into the facility. "You better get some good rest tonight since the real training starts tomorrow."


Intermission: Mandalay (Shino Sosaki)

With years of experience in the field and an amazing telepathy quirk, Mandalay is the leader of the Wild Wild Pussycats, a well-known team that established itself as a formidable and inspiring group many years ago

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With years of experience in the field and an amazing telepathy quirk, Mandalay is the leader of the Wild Wild Pussycats, a well-known team that established itself as a formidable and inspiring group many years ago.

She has a calm and caring personality that can warm the hearts of many, but on the battlefield she can become very nasty and spiteful, often catching her opponents off-guard with her sudden movements.

During the war between the heroes and villains many years ago, she was one of the hero's best assets when it came to communication because of her quirk. Due to this, she and the Pussycats were sent on countless spy and raid missions.


After taking their luggage inside and eating their dinner, class 1A made their way into the baths, soaking in the hot water to replenish their bodies.

Whilst the boys were in the bath, three mischievous teens got out and began to look very intensely at the wooden wall. "Just beyond here is paradise!" Mineta exclaimed, salivating at the thought of seeing his classmates naked.

"Why are you so quiet Todoroki?" Kaminari asked, looking at his friend.

"Mhm, it seems like my perceptive eye has evolved. I can see them even without looking!" Shouto claimed, shocking all the boys.

"Seriously? I don't know if I should be concerned or proud." Bakugo laughed, looking at Todoroki with a smug look.

"I guess his horniness holds no bounds." Ilda sighed, giving up on trying to control his classmates.

Jealous of Todoroki's advanced vision, Mineta fired himself up, plucking off two sticky balls on his head to try and climb the wall. "I'M GOING TO SEE IT WITH MY OWN TWO EYES!" The hit roared, crawling up the wall at a fast pace.

Just as he was about to complete his objective and complete his mission, he was caught off guard by a disgusted-looking Kota, who punched him off the wall. "Damn pervert." The boy scoffed, looking at Mineta descend toward the ground.

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