21 ✩ Mafia training

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Aiden's POV:

I'm sitting in the living room with Seb and Grey right now. 

"Maze runner?" Seb suggests after I asked what we should watch.

"I've already watched them all..." I say

"What about something horror?" Grey asks

"I don't wanna watch horror if Izzy's not here.. it's funny watching her get scared" I laugh

They chuckle "soooo how are you and Isabella?" Seb wiggles his eyebrows

"Um, good? I don't know..." I murmur. What am I supposed to say? I'm madly in love with her and she friend-zoned me...???

"Is that so?" Grey raises an eyebrow in a challening way. I forgot that they insist to know every little detail about my life because they claim it's their 'older brother dutes'.

"I have a question... about like... I don't know.. love? Maybe.. Um, I don't know..." I rush out

"You can ask but neither of us have been in anything serious before so we're probably the wrong people to ask

"Okay, I'll ask you both anyways-" I start but am interrupted when Jake strolls into the room with a grin on his face

"Hellllllooooo!" He says, plopping down on the same sofa next to Seb. Grey is next to me.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" I ask, trying to change the subject. Even though I wanted to ask my question, it can wait...

"Nothing" Jake continues to grin and puts out a hand, signalling for me to give him the tv remote

"No fucking way bro, I was here first and we're all gonna watch something together anyways" I defend

"But I'm your older brother?" he frowns to try guilt-trip me but smirks at the same time making him have a weird expression that I don't hold back a laugh at

"But me and Seb are YOUR older brothers and we let A keep the remote" Grey smirks. He loves to annoy his triplet/Jake

"We're triplets man, you're supposed to take my side!" he throws his hands into the air and shrugs so he's sliding down the sofa. He sits on the floor and pretends to sulk which we all giggle at

"Anyways... A don't think we forgot about your question" Seb wiggles his eyebrows

"What question?" Jake asks, looking up at me from his new place on the carpeted floor

"Um, well.. you know when you're next to someone and... they.. I.. you.. um..."

"What?" Jake mutters trying to figure out what I'm syaing, confusion written all over his face

I ignore him "like... basically...-" I decide to explain my scenario instead of making it hypothetical and shit "-everytime Izzy touches me or I touch her, I get this weird feeling in my stomach... it's like a knot has been twisted or I have a stomach ache but it doesn't... like it doesn't hurt?" I explain in one breath but their smirks all tell me they understood what I said

"That mean you're getting 'butterflies'" Jake explains, still smirking. 

"Yeah, it's because you feel something so strong towards her that whenever you're touching, it makes you nervous and excited and whatever" Grey agrees

"Oh.. okay" I say. I knew that feeling had a word but I didn't know it was butterflies. I've never felt 'butterflies' from my careless hookups, only whenever I was around Izzy. She made me feel like everything in the world could go wrong and I would still be happy because she was nearby me

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