13 ✩ Packing

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Thursday (few weeks later):

It's been a week since the party, todays Thursday. Everything has been fine between the friendship group and I'm glad! Aiden and I have gone back to our regular routine of hanging out in the evenings or the occasional texting. 

We even had a few unofficial sleepovers this week. I know this is putting my guard/walls down which is something I wanted to try not to do since Aiden and I's conversation in the '7 minutes in heaven' closet but I can't help it.

The majority of times we slept in the same bed together was because we would be talking then one of us would fall asleep in the others bed. Okay fine... it was me that fell asleep every time but what can I say? School days are tiring!

I fell asleep twice in Aiden's bed and once in my own. I'm not sure what Aiden thought seeing me fast asleep in his bed but he probably felt bad. Maybe he was too awkward to ask me to move? 

Maybe he liked it?  My subconscious says but I push that aside.

The school trip is tomorrow and everyone has been so excited lately! I don't know much about the trip but all I know is it's arranged by groups. In other words, the fantastic four, Em and I will be together for the whole time!

Snapping out of that mini flashback, I look up to see Aiden climbing through my open window, "what are you doing?" I question him

He smiles, "well I saw you stop packing for your little daydreaming session from my window so I thought I would keep you company for a while and make sure you're alright"

"Really? That's sweet" I say

"That or I just wanted to see you pack your bras.." he smirks jokingly

I throw one of the t-shirts I was about to pack to his head but he effortlessly caught it making me roll my eyes. He was looking at my bed when I threw the shirt so unless he has some sort of sixth sense, it will forever be a mystery to me at how good his senses are.

I know he goes to the gym but shit he is just great at everything

"So, have you started packing yet?" I ask

"Yeah, I finished about an hour ago. How long have you been packing for?"

"Half an hour but 2/3 of that time was spent daydreaming" I reply honestly

He chuckled and sits on my bed, next to the small suitcase I'm packing. He silently picks up some T-shirts from my careless mountain of clothes and folds them, putting them in the suitcase gently.

"You don't have to help me, you know? I'm sure you've got something better to spend your time on" I awkwardly smile

"I like spending time with you Belle" he smiles sincerely "-and what else would I be doing?" he taunts

"I don't know, hooking up with some girl or something?" I suggest

A glint of confusion flashes through his eyes for a brief moment but he quickly covers it up, thinking I didn't notice it

"Is that really what you think?" He asks

I'm not sure if that's a rhetorical question or not but he seemed a bit upset

"Um, yeah? Having daily 'flings'/hookups are what the 'The Fantastic Four' are known for, isn't it?"

"For Matteo, it's weekly, not daily. The rest of us have stopped. Chris is too sweet for that shit, Lucas is in a relationship and I... well...." he trails off

"You..?" I push for him to continue

"I have my eye on someone else" he sighs

My jaw falls open and I drop the shirt I was folding on the bed

Isabella MillerWhere stories live. Discover now