16 ✩ Searching for you

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Isabella's POV:

It's the second to last day from the trip and we're currently all sitting outside. Me and Emma are sitting on some outdoors chairs like the ones you would bring when camping whilst the fantastic four are sitting on 2 benches a little further. The trip so far has been great, we've all hung out a lot and the only time we haven't been together is when we were asleep or going to the bathroom.

Sleeping in the same bed with Matteo has been fine. We're both respectful of each other and stay on our own sides. One night I woke up to find myself entangled in Matteo's arms but I just found it cute to see he's a cuddler when he's asleep. Plus he's like an older brother to me, nothing romantic will ever happen between us!

Aiden has expressed his opposition to us sharing the same bed but every night we have the same argument which I win. He's like a brother to me and nothing bad will happen.

He trusts Matteo and he trusts me so he knows neither of us will try anything. Also he doesn't have a say in who I sleep in the same bed with, we slept together - now it's with Matteo, it's a problem? Doible standards!

"Look!" Em whispers

I turn my head to where she's pointing to find Leo walking over waving excitedly

We hesitantly glance at each other before shrugging and waving back

"Hi Millers'" he smiles

"Hey" I reply, "Hi, how are you?" Ems asks

"I'm great, what about y'all?" He says

"We're good" She replies to which I nod

"I'm glad to hear that, I only came over to ask if I could speak to you" he says facing me direction

"Me?" I ask wearily

He nods and Em excuses herself "I'll be back in a few minutes, I'm going to go sit with Lucas"

We nod and she gives me a look to say 'if you need anything then just shout' to which I subtly nod again since Leo didn't notice

"So, I was wondering if you had changed your mind on the whole date thing? I know I invited you to that party that you declined but if you ever want to hang out then I'm down" he explains

"Mhm, I'm sorry I'm just not in the mood for a party this week. I don't mind hanging out with you but I don't want you to think it would be anything more than friends. I don't want to hurt your feelings but I'm not looking for a relationship right now" I apologetically smile to which he curtly nods

"No worries but a man can try, right?" He jokes

"Man?" I laugh. I would consider him a man but I knew he could take a joke

"You tryna call me a boy, beautiful?" He laughs

I laugh also but can't help feel a pang feeling in my chest. When Aiden called me beautiful, it felt like fireworks went off in my body. However, when Leo called me it, I cringe.

I know he was only flirting/trying his luck but I don't return the same feelings for him. I don't think I ever will. I'm not sure why though.

"Maybe, maybe not" I tease

"You might think I'm a boy but other parts of me are the size of a man I can assure you, sweets"

My eyes widen at what he was hinting at... "Is that so?" I giggle

"Say the words and I'm yours, sweets" he smirks

Realizing he was being serious and I was joking, I got stand up before Leo is suddenly thrown to the floor

Isabella MillerWhere stories live. Discover now