11 ✩ Things take a turn

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Isabella's POV:

Our faces were so close that one of us could've wiggled their nose and it would've hit the other person. We were breathing each others' same air.

He closed his eyes, sighing as he thought about whether or not he should say something. Finalising his thoughts, he sheepishly smiled, "this may sound weird but when we lay together, it makes me feel warm inside"

"I get what you mean, I feel the same too" I admitted

"Really?" He questioned now looking at me intently. He was scanning my face to see if there was any lies behind what I was saying but I just smiled softly to clarify it was the truth

"Yeah? It's probably just because of each others physical body heat or some shit" I shrugged off

"Oh... just physical?" he sounded somewhat disappointed. Was he speaking about something more than just physical body heat?

"I guess I feel warm inside too but if anyone asks then I blame it on how warm we were under the blankets and snuggled up" I smiled softly

It felt weird to be open about how I'm feeling to his face but it doesn't necessarily mean I feel something more than a small crush towards him. He's attractive yes but it's not like I love him or anything

I have to ignore ANY type of feelings for the sake of our friendship and families... otherwise it would be too awkward! That's why I said about our 'body heats'.

"And the truth?" He asks slightly smirking

"What do you mean?" I furrow my eyebrows

"You said that's what you will say if anyone asks, which means it's a pre-made lie. So, what's the truth?" He explained, he seemed awfully curious in my reply which made me debate telling him or not

Realising he was asking me to confess that HE was the reason why I feel warm and safe, I knew that also could be considered as having feelings for him. Wanting to avoid that whole topic all together, I remained silent.

"Earth to Iz?.." he smirked, "why so quiet now, baby?" He whispered now stroking my brunette hair through his fingers

"Don't call me 'baby'" I murmured, absentmindedly leaning into his touch

"Why, do you not like it, baby?" He coos

"Fuck off" I groaned burying my head into his neck a little

Chuckling, he started to slowly trail kisses down from the top of my head, past my cheeks, and finishing at my jaw.

 I'll admit, I was rather flustered but I needed to stop this before things got too carried away. This is wrong, I shouldn't feel like this!

"What are you doing A?" I panted, shifting out of his neck so I could look at him

He stopped kissing my jaw, looked me in my eyes and said "Bella, you can't seriously avoid this topic and tell me that you didn't just feel something right then"

I remained silent whilst trying to get out of his gentle grip which only caused him to tighten his arms, "No, Iz. Everytime you don't want to talk to me, you try leave or avoid me and it's not going to work. I haven't known you for that long but I already know you better than you think." He whispered

Sighing at the fact I'm still silent, he continued whispering "It's fine if you don't have feelings for me but I can physically see the effect I have on you! Obviously, our friendship- or situation ship... I don't know.. is something that means more to you than you're letting on."

Isabella MillerWhere stories live. Discover now