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Bitter Goodbyes
Hard work for accomplishments

The airport terminal was busy and filled with travelers, the air filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation.

Amidst the crowd, Bob, Reuben, and Lucia stood side by side.

Their expression very different from the anxious families running to their gate or the reuniting friends and families.

The time had come for farewells, for goodbyes that felt too bitter.

Mickey and Logan stood before them, their bags at their feet, their expressions mirroring the sadness that weighed on their hearts.

It was a scene they had lived through before, the familiarity of it not making it any easier.

The bonds they had formed during their time at Top Gun were strong.

And the thought of parting ways was like tearing a piece of themselves away.

Lucia leaned into Mickey, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Their fingers intertwined, a lifeline connecting them as they faced the inevitable distance that lay ahead.

She could hardly believe that after the time they spent together, they'd go back to long distance.

Bob clapped a hand on Mickey's shoulder, his grin masking the bittersweet sorrow in his eyes.

"You better stay in touch, Mick. No slacking on those video calls."

Mickey managed a smile, his voice heavy with the emotion he was trying to hide.

"You know I will."

Reuben patted Logan on the back, his jovial demeanor momentarily giving way to a more solemn expression.

The finality of the moment hung heavy in the air, a silence settling over the group as the reality of the parting sunk in.

Mickey pulls Lucia in for a bear hug.

He wraps his arms for tightly around her, it stifled her heart breaking sob.

Mickey felt her body shake as she cried into his chest, his heart breaking because he too wanted to break down crying.

He wasn't ready to let her go again, he had just got her back for a short while.

There wasn't enough time.

Lucia's sob slow as she takes a few deep breaths to calm herself.

As Lucia looks up, Mickey loosens his grip, allowing her mascara stained face to come into view.

He smiles at her.

Even with her messy mascara and sadden face, she was still beautiful.

And it felt beautiful to him to be so loved by someone that the thought of losing their presence again, can bring someone to tears

"Come back to me, come back to me soon," Lucia says with a soft voice.

Mickey kisses her forehead.

"I'll always come back to you mi amor,"

Lucia smiles as she hugs him tightly,

With one last lingering embrace and a final exchange of words, the friends separated.

Mickey and Logan make their way to the departure gate while Bob, Reuben, and Lucia walked towards the exit.

Lucia couldn't help but glance back, her heart aching as she watched Mickey's retreating figure, disappearing into the crowd.

Mickey didn't bother to look back.

He knew if he did he wouldn't get on that plane like he needs to.

Mickey would make an excuse to stay with Lucia just a little bit longer and deal with the consequences later.

But he knew he couldn't do that.

If he wanted to be close to her, he'd have to be on his best behavior and do his duties so he can transfer to her base as soon as possible.

The car ride back to Lemoore was filled with subdued conversation, each of them lost in their thoughts.

The camaraderie that had once been so loud and exuberant was now a quiet presence, a reminder of the bonds that had been forged and the memories that had been shared.

Their Top Gun journey had come full circle, and the road ahead was uncertain.

Hours later, Mickey and Logan's plane touched down in Ocean.

As they disembarked, they were met by Richard.

His infectious grin was a welcome they both needed.

Especially after his sudden departure.

"Welcome back, you two!" Richard greeted with a bear hug.

Logan chuckled, his weariness momentarily forgotten. "It's good to be back, Rich."

Mickey's expression brightened, his exhaustion giving way to the warmth of reunions.

"Thanks for picking us up, man."

As they made their way to the car, the weight of the journey ahead seemed a little lighter.

Richard regaled them with stories of what had been happening in Ocean during their absence.

He had turned the drive into a lively exchange that pulled them out of their thoughts.

By the time they arrived at their new accommodations, Logan and Mickey were laughing, the melancholy of goodbyes gradually fading into the background.

As they settled into their new routine, Logan and Mickey found themselves texting and video calling their friends in Lemoore as quickly as they could.

The challenges of their respective journeys were met with the knowledge that their friends were always just a call away.

Mickey smiled as Lucia answered the FaceTime.

He had to stay strong and work hard for her.

To break the distance between them.

- -

I'm so sorry for the lack of updates. I just have one reason. Life.
Hope you're all well!! Miss and luv u!
I hope you ate and drank water today!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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