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Meet the family.

Welcome to the family.

"Mickey!" calls out a woman who walks up to him and Lucia.

The woman had shoulder-length light brown hair with grey eyes.

She stood at 5'6 with a wide, beautiful smile.

Her arms are stretched out as she approaches the two.

"Ama," he answers smiling as she pulls Mickey in for a hug.

Lucia looks at the woman slightly shocked.

This woman was his mother?

There was no way.

She looked so youthful.

"Oh, it's so nice to see you mi hijo,"

They smile at each other as they pull away.

As his mom looks over at Mickey, her eyes catch Lucia standing behind her son.

"Who is this?" she asks smiling as she lets go of her son.

Lucia waves shyly as she blushes at the woman.

"Mom, this is Lucia," Mickey says as he puts his hand on Lucia's back.

"Mi novia,"

Mickey's mother gasps as she looks back at Lucia.

"Novia!? Que linda!" His mother says as she puts her hand on Lucia's shoulders, bringing her in for a hug.

Mickey's mother smiles as she takes a deep breath.

"Gracias a Dios. You hear my prayers," she says, placing her head on Lucia's.

Mickey was taller than his mother, but she was taller than Lucia.

"This is my mom, Priscilla,"

Lucia raises her eyebrows while smiling as she looked over at Mickey.

"It's nice to meet you, Priscilla," Lucia says.

His mother doesn't hear her as she speaks over Lucia.

"I'm so happy you came and that you brought your girlfriend. We've all missed you so much,"

His mother lets go of Lucia as she looks at the both of them.

"Oh, you guys are so beautiful together," his mother gushes.

Lucia smiles at her.

"Grazie," she says.

Mickey's mother looks over at her son with her eyebrows raised.

"Italiana?" his mother asks.

"Si, Italiano," Lucia answers.

Mickey's mother sighs lovingly.

"I love her already,"

Mickey smiles as he looks over at Lucia.

Her nerves are now gone as his mom says those four words.

"Okay, I'll let you see everyone else, I took up so much of your time," she says smiling.

"Adios Ama," he says to her before she walks away.

Lucia exhales as she looks up at Mickey.

"Are you ready to meet more Garcias?" He asks her.

Lucia nods smiling.

Mickey locks hands with Lucia as they make their way further into the banquet hall where the rehearsal dinner was held.

Come Back To Me ~ M.GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now