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Call sign number three.

"My god! Do you always have to be so quick with the comebacks!?" Mickey asks as he looks over at the woman on the couch.

"What? Did you not like my burn?" Lucia teases.

Bob and Reuben were still on the floor laughing from the woman roast.

"I did but it's like you have them ready for any moment,"

Lucia giggles as she puts her head on the man's shoulder.

"Did I hurt you? Do you need me to kiss your booboo?" she jokes.

Mickey raises an eyebrow as he looks at the woman resting on him.

"A kiss would be nice,"

She rolls her eyes as the two men on the floor sit up, wiping tears from their faces and catching their breath.

Lucia and Mickey had started to become closer over the course of the four of them all hanging out together.

Mickey's crush on Lucia was obvious.

But Lucia's growing crush on Mickey was not.

She locked that away, uncertain if it was what she thought it was.

Did she have feelings for the goofy pilot?

Or was she just enjoying his company?

She wasn't sure.

Lucia had never had a relationship before, or ever understood the concept of a crush.

"Her comebacks cut you like a knife," Reuben says as he stands to his feet.

"More like a razor. Quick, clean, and painful," Mickey says as he watches the man enter the kitchen.

"Like my flying," Lucia says smiling.

Mickey looks at her and nods.



"Jesus, your turn was sharp back there DeAngelis," Taco calls out over the headset to the woman.

Lucia shrugs with a smirk as she looks over to see Mickey and Reuben in their aircraft next to her.

"Razor sharp am I right!?" Mickey says to their fellow pilots in the air.

"Crisp, clean, and quick. Like a razor," Bob adds.

Lucia smiled at the men, liking the name they were using.


Lucia swerved her aircraft, slicing the air, and causing Mickey and Reuben's jet to slightly tip.

"Calm down there! Trying to knock us out of the sky?" Reuben teases.

"Sorry boys," She teases over the headset as she increases her speed.

"I have a target to get to, and you were in my way,"

Come Back To Me ~ M.GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now